Drug and Alcohol - Opioid Addiction

IP 109 Pill: Usage and Side Effects

The IP 109 Pill: Get the Facts

The IP 109 pill is a potent opioid painkiller. When abused, it's very addictive. Learn more about the IP 109 pill and it's side effects in our blog.

IP 109 is a prescription drug painkiller used to treat severe pain. For patients dealing with intense pain that doesn't respond to other forms of pain relief, it allows them to live normal lives. For others, it can be a gateway to drug addiction.

This white pill stamped with an "IP 109" logo is a mix of two different pain relievers: acetaminophen and hydrocodone. Acetaminophen is an over-the-counter (OTC) pain reliever used in many pain medications, including Tylenol. Hydrocodone is a synthetic opioid drug that can treat severe pain. Unlike acetaminophen, hydrocodone is addictive and often abused.

As we said, IP 109 can help many people with severe pain live normally. However, like Oxycodone and other pain medications, it's also a drug that can trap people in addiction ... even if they didn't intend to. Long-term use of IP 109 can turn into addiction easily. As for recreational use, it’s an even quicker gateway to opioid addiction and other medical problems.

What Is the IP 109 Pill?

The IP 109 pill looks like most prescription medications: it’s a small, oval-shaped white pill stamped with “IP 109.” It’s a mix of acetaminophen and hydrocodone. According to the US National Library of Medicine, a single IP 109 pill contains:

  • 325 milligrams of acetaminophen

  • 5 milligrams of hydrocodone

IP 109’s combination of acetaminophen and hydrocodone allows it to treat moderate to moderately severe pain. Also, the combination of hydrocodone and acetaminophen is intended to make IP 109 less easy to abuse and less potent than stronger opioid painkillers. However, it’s still possible to abuse IP 109 by using it recreationally.

Drug abuse is less about a particular substance and more about behaviors. Just because IP 109 requires a prescription doesn’t mean it’s impossible to abuse. Prescription drug abuse is very common, unfortunately.

Here are some of the behaviors of drug abuse:

  • Deliberately taking too much prescription medication like IP 109

  • Taking IP 109 after the advised usage time passes

  • Taking IP 109 with other drugs, such as alcohol

  • Sharing IP 109 with others, or taking another person’s IP 109 prescription

  • Attempting to obtain additional IP 109 prescriptions, aka “doctor shopping”

It’s worth pointing out that mixing opioid medications like IP 109 with alcohol can have fatal results.

What Medications Use the IP 109 Pill?

Several pain medications come in IP 109 pills. Their brands include:

  • Lorcet

  • Lortab

  • Norco

  • Vicodin

Most of these have been discontinued, although it’s possible to find generic versions of them. Like other pain medications, IP 109 occasionally shows up in drug stashes on the street. However, this brings along with it a tremendous risk. Many pain pills sold by street dealers are counterfeit. Instead of being a combination of hydrocodone and acetaminophen, you might be getting a mix of various other drugs including fentanyl.

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What Is IP 109 Used For?

IP 109 is used to treat moderate to severe pain. Like other pain pills, it’s formulated to gradually release its active ingredients over a period of time. Not only does this help people avoid overdosing on IP 109, but it also helps them avoid addiction as the time release means you don’t have to take IP 109 as often.

Abusing IP 109 means the drug is much less safe. Taking more IP 109 pills, or crushing them and snorting or injecting them means a person receives a much higher dose of the drug far more quickly. It’s easy to get addicted and even experience a fatal opioid overdose this way.

IP 109: What Is Hydrocodone?

Hydrocodone is a synthetic opioid. First created in Germany in 1920, hydrocodone was approved by the Food and Drug Administration in the US during the 1940s. According to the Drug Enforcement Agency, synthetic opioids are substances made in laboratories that affect the same areas in the brain as natural opioids like morphine. Natural opioids are derived from the opium poppy.

Hydrocodone, like other opioids, attaches to certain areas in nerve cells. This affects the way we experience pain, which is why opioids are effective painkillers. Like other opioids, large doses of hydrocodone can create sensations of euphoria and relaxation. However, when used over long periods of time, it’s possible to build up a tolerance to their effects. This means a person must take large and larger amounts of hydrocodone in order to feel the same effects.

Eventually, the body becomes dependent on hydrocodone to function normally. Without it, the body’s balance gets thrown out of whack and a person experiences withdrawal symptoms. Opioid withdrawal is infamously unpleasant and difficult to endure. These symptoms are bad enough to keep a person using opioids, which leads to opioid addiction.

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IP 109: What Is Acetaminophen?

Also known as paracetamol, acetaminophen is an over-the-counter pain medication. Non-narcotic and non-habit forming, acetaminophen has been widely used as a pain reliever and fever reducer for years.

That’s not to say acetaminophen doesn’t have risks. When people abuse IP 109, they’re doing it chiefly for the effects of hydrocodone. However, IP 109 also contains a large dose of acetaminophen. In large doses, acetaminophen can cause severe organ damage. Studies have shown that high doses of acetaminophen are the leading cause of liver failure in the US and other Western countries.

What Are the Risks of IP 109 White Pill Abuse?

As we’ve said, IP 109 abuse carries many risks. Let’s go through some of them:

Risks of Acetaminophen

Abusing IP 109 pills means receiving very high doses of acetaminophen. High doses of acetaminophen can damage the liver, kidneys, and digestive systems. Also, some people don’t tolerate acetaminophen very well. Those symptoms include:

  • Swelling of the face and throat

  • Trouble breathing

  • Hives

  • A rash

  • Vomiting

Also, combining IP 109 pills with other drugs, especially alcohol, can make acetaminophen exceptionally dangerous, especially to the liver. Never mix acetaminophen with alcohol.

Risks of Hydrocodone

Hydrocodone is a synthetic opioid. Opioid abuse is one of the most dangerous – and lethal – forms of substance abuse. Large doses of hydrocodone can cause breathing to slow down, which in turn causes hypoxia. Hypoxia happens when not enough oxygen reaches the brain. This can cause permanent brain damage, coma, and death.

Additionally, hydrocodone can cause:

  • Drowsiness

  • Confusion

  • Nausea

You should never drive or operate heavy machinery when taking IP 109. It’s common to receive explicit instructions when taking opioid medications like IP 109, and they should always be followed. Also, drinking alcohol with IP 109 can make overdose even more likely. Alcohol is a depressant and can amplify the effects of hydrocodone and other opioids.

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IP 109 Overdose: What Are the Risks & Symptoms?

Opioid overdoses have sadly become a leading cause of death in the United States. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention noted over 56,000 people died from synthetic opioids like hydrocodone in 2020.

There are several ways IP 109 abuse can increase the risk of an opioid overdose. IP 109 is formulated to release its active ingredients over a period of time. When multiple IP 109 pills are taken, or crushed into a powder and injected or snorted, a person receives a far higher dose of hydrocodone than they normally would. While this can increase the feelings of euphoria opioid drugs can create, it’s also far easier to overdose this way. As previously noted, combining IP 109 pills with other drugs also increases the risk of overdose. Both alcohol and opioids can fatally slow a person’s breathing.

Finally, IP 109 abuse also involves receiving massive doses of acetaminophen. While non-addictive and safe when used as intended, high doses of acetaminophen can be toxic and damage the body’s organs.

What Are the Signs of IP 109 Overdose?

The signs of IP 109 overdose can include:

  • Extreme sleepiness or confusion

  • Slow breathing or shallow breaths

  • Cold and clammy skin

  • Pinpoint pupils

  • Nausea or vomiting

If you think someone has overdosed on IP 109, call 911 immediately. Try to remain calm – assisting first responders by giving them details about the overdose can help save a life. Treatment for IP 109 overdose requires urgent medical attention. Remember, minutes matter during an opioid overdose. If you have a Narcan kit nearby, make sure you use it according to the instructions. Narcan, given quickly, can save lives. Narcan is available at some pharmacies without a prescription.

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Can IP 109 Addiction Be Treated?

Yes, IP 109 addiction can be managed and treated. IP 109 is a powerful opioid drug, so it should only be used under the direction of your healthcare provider. If you become addicted to IP 109, talk with a drug rehab about treatment options that may work best for you.

Most treatment plans for IP 109 addiction start with drug detox.

What Is Drug Detox?

Drug detox is the process of removing IP 109 and other toxins from your body in a safe and supervised environment. This can include medical supervision, counseling, support groups, and medications to reduce withdrawal symptoms. Detoxifying from IP 109 should never be done by yourself.

Withdrawal symptoms from opioids like IP 109 can be very intense. Without professional help at a drug detox center, an attempt to stop IP 109 use is likely to fail. Also, taking the "cold turkey" approach where IP 109 use is stopped without gradually tapering is also likely to fail. Cold turkey can make withdrawal even more unpleasant.

Finally, it's best to also avoid so-called detox kits and rapid detox. Detox kits don't work very well, and rapid detox can be even more jarring to the system. In any event, neither method deals with the underlying issues often accompanying IP 109 abuse, meaning even if detox is successful, a person is like to continue abusing IP 109.

IP 109 Withdrawal Symptoms

Opioid withdrawal symptoms are infamous and are part of the drug detox process. However, as bad as they can be, they're unlikely to be fatal in most cases. That said, detoxing from IP 109 pills at a professional detox center will make the process easier, more comfortable, and far more likely to be successful.

IP 109 withdrawal symptoms include:

  • Muscle pain

  • Anxiety

  • Insomnia

  • Agitation

  • Sweating

  • Diarrhea or vomiting

  • Intense drug cravings

What Is the Timeline for IP 109 Withdrawal?

In general, IP 109 withdrawal lasts for 7-10 days, with symptoms significantly easing towards the end of the time period. Unfortunately, in some cases, some IP 109 withdrawal symptoms can last for months, particularly psychological symptoms like drug cravings. Again, professional drug detox can make these easier to bear.

As for when IP 109 withdrawal starts, that depends on many factors. Withdrawal symptoms tend to start after the drug leaves a person’s system. IP 109 has a half-life of around four hours, with the drug fully leaving the system around eight hours after it was last taken. Once IP 109 leaves a person’s system, the withdrawal will start.

What Happens After IP 109 Detox?

After drug detox, you may need ongoing addiction treatment services such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) or medication-assisted treatment (MAT). Both are successful in helping people leave IP 109 abuse behind for good.

Continuing addiction care at an inpatient drug rehab or outpatient drug rehab is strongly recommended. These addiction treatment facilities help a person create a new life where substance abuse isn't necessary.

Opioid abuse can seem like an impossible challenge. However, with the right help, it's possible to gain back freedom from addiction.

The Edge Treatment Center Can Help You Beat IP 109 Addiction. Our Opioid Abuse Program Is the Right Choice for You

IP 109 addiction can be deadly. Even casual IP 109 abuse can create a seemingly impossible cycle of addiction to break. However, that’s not the case.

IP 109 addiction is treatable with the right help. The Edge Treatment Center offers expert addiction care for IP 109 and other forms of opioid painkiller abuse. We’ll start by finding the right drug detox center for you. Our outpatient drug rehab has long, valued, and trusted relationships with many of the US’s leading drug detox centers. We’ll be able to find a drug detox suitable for your needs, health history, and budget.

When you’re ready to attend our long-term outpatient drug rehab center, The Edge will continue to build on the hard work you did during drug detox. With a program built for the needs of opioid medication addiction, we’ll help you deal with any underlying issue driving IP 109 abuse. Our trauma-informed philosophy, MAT program, and specialized dual diagnosis track will help you move past IP 109 abuse and into a happier, healthier life free from IP 109 addiction.

Don’t risk a drug overdose. Let us help you leave IP 109 behind you. Reach out to The Edge Treatment Center today and learn more about our effective, evidence-based program for opioid addiction.

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Written by

brian-mooreBrian Moore

Content Writer

Reviewed by

jeremy-arztJeremy Arzt

Chief Clinical Officer

Drug and Alcohol

Opioid Addiction

February 23, 2023