

Mental Disorders


Mood Disorders

Mood Disorders: The Signs, Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

Mood Disorders

Seeking info about mood disorders?

Check out our comprehensive guide or reach out to us for more questions!

What Are Mood Disorders?

What Are Mood Disorders?

Mood disorders are mental health conditions that affect your emotional state. The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) reports that about 21.4% of American adults will experience a mood disorder such as depression or bipolar disorder during their lifetime.

Ongoing feelings of sadness, hopelessness, numbness, extreme mood swings, and more can all be signs of a mood disorder. These feelings go beyond ordinary experiences of grief, stress, or sadness. Mood disorders make enjoying life extremely difficult.

Here’s some facts about common mood disorders.

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Do I Have a Mood Disorder?

Do I Have a Mood Disorder?

Coping with ordinary difficulties like setbacks, grief, or stress is a normal part of life. But if your emotional struggles persist and start to feel out of control, you may need professional treatment.

Signs your mood requires medical care include:

  • Depressed or elevated mood lasting weeks
  • Mood disrupting your work, school, and relationships
  • Thinking about self-harm
  • Withdrawing from family/friends
  • Mood swings that feel uncontrollable
  • Depression or mania that keeps returning
  • Anxiety accompanying depression
  • Abusing drugs, alcohol, or food to cope
  • Extreme fatigue, lack of energy
  • Physical issues like headaches, body aches
  • Difficulty functioning due to mood

Seeking help is a courageous act. At the Edge Treatment Center, we won't judge you for what you're going through. Everyone deserves compassion, and our team has endless compassion for your situation. Take the first step and call today for a free consultation.

Reclaim Your Joy

Reclaim Your Joy

Rediscover the joy and peace you deserve with our comprehensive mental health support. No matter the challenge you're dealing with, we are here to offer you the compassion and expertise you need to navigate your path to recovery.

Reach out to us today for a compassionate consultation, and take the first step towards reclaiming your happiness. Reach out to us today for a compassionate

Underlying Causes of Mood Disorders

Underlying Causes of Mood Disorders

Mood disorders do not have a single cause. Usually, a combination of genetic, biological, environmental, and psychological factors contributes to their development. Common factors include:

Chemical Imbalances

Brain chemistry regulates mood and emotions. The key chemicals involved are serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine, and GABA. For those with mood disorders, these neurotransmitters a re often out of balance. Medications can help restore optimal levels.


Many mood disorders have genetic components and run in families. You are more likely to develop depression, bipolar disorder, or anxiety if you have a family history. But genes alone do not determine your destiny. Environmental triggers and learned behavior also play a significant role.

Trauma and Stress

High stress levels, traumatic experiences, and severe life events can impact brain chemistry and trigger mood episodes or disorders. Things like childhood abuse or neglect, the death of a loved one, divorce, job loss, and other challenges can impact mood. Developing healthy coping skills is essential.

Substance Abuse

Abusing alcohol, recreational, or prescription drugs can both cause and worsen mood disorders. Some people with untreated conditions self-medicate this way. Breaking these habits is critical for a full recovery.

Medical Conditions

In some cases, underlying illnesses contribute to mood disorders. Conditions like thyroid disease, chronic pain, Alzheimer's, dementia, Cushing's disease, and more are linked to increased risk for depression and mood problems. Treating the medical issue can help.

Personality Factors

In some cases, underlying illnesses contribute to mood disorders. Conditions like thyroid disease, chronic pain, Alzheimer's, dementia, Cushing's disease, and more are linked to increased risk for depression and mood problems. Treating the medical issue can help.

Why Getting Evidence-Based Treatment for Your Mood Disorders is Essential

Why Getting Evidence-Based Treatment for Your Mood Disorders Is Essential

Mood disorders should be treated by medical and mental health professionals specially trained in these conditions. Research shows that evidence-based treatment leads to better long-term outcomes. The key is early intervention and integrated care over the long haul. This typically involves:


Antidepressants, mood stabilizers, and other psychiatric medications help balance brain chemicals that regulate mood. They provide ongoing maintenance and control of symptoms. Newer medications cause fewer side effects. Finding the proper med or combination takes patience.


Talk therapy provides coping strategies, identifies triggers, resolves past traumas, replaces negative thought patterns, and more. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) have strong evidence behind them. Therapy rewires the brain over time.

Mind-Body Therapies

Stress-reducing mind-body practices like meditation, yoga, art therapy, music therapy, and exercise complement other treatments. Healthy lifestyle habits also boost overall wellness. Integrated care works best.

Support Community

Group therapy, peer support groups, and social connections provide community and accountability. Psychoeducation teaches you how to manage your specific disorder. Lifelong peer support aids recovery.

Consistency and commitment are vital – mood disorders quickly spiral out of control when treatment is interrupted. Our comprehensive programs equip you with the tools and support system for staying the course.

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Mood Disorders Are Treatable!

Living with untreated depression, bipolar disorder, or other mood illnesses takes a painful toll on all aspects of life. Left untreated, they can lead to some awful outcomes, including addiction.

But with proper professional care tailored to your situation, you can overcome your struggles and reclaim a meaningful, joyful life. Our treatments work, and most of our clients see significant improvement in symptoms quite early.

You deserve a better life, and with our help, you’ll get there. With commitment and patience, you can get back to enjoying life to the fullest. The Edge Treatment Center offers integrated care personalized just for you based on proven methods developed by the nation's top researchers. We meet you where you are with empathy, compassion, and respect.

Real change is possible! Contact The Edge Treatment Center today.


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