Drug and Alcohol - Sobriety

I'm Addicted to Drugs: What Do I Do Next?

I'm Addicted to Drugs: What Do I Do Next?

There is no shame in asking for help. Drug and alcohol addiction is a disease which is often fatal without treatment. Find recovery help today.

Drug addiction is a very serious and chronic brain disease that can disrupt proper body functions, induce mental health decline, and even cause death. If you or a loved one is struggling with drug and alcohol addiction, find professional help before it leads to life-threatening damage to organs ... or even death. If you are reading this, you've likely already faced the very difficult task of admitting you need help for a substance use disorder (SUD), and that is noteworthy! It takes strength and courage to get this far, and we are here to lead you to the next steps, even if those steps don't involve professional addiction treatment. Healing from addiction is possible, and you've come to the right place to get help.

Get Help Sooner Rather Than Later

The longer you wait, the harder asking for help for your addiction will be. If you can identify that your drug or alcohol use has become detrimental to your life, finding trustworthy individuals who can help you heal from the effects of SUD is an important step. 

While recovery from SUD is never easy, seeking help in a timely manner will allow a quicker and easier recovery than if you wait. Seeking help could be as simple as speaking with someone close to you who can assist in finding professional treatment or as complex as reaching out to treatment centers yourself. 

Research Treatments

There are many different types of SUD treatment out there that cater to different individuals' needs in recovery. Researching the different types can give you a stepping-off point that can lead you in the right direction for recovery. This can also make it easier for your loved ones to help you find treatment and can make the admission process into a treatment center run smoothly.

Depending on the severity of your addiction, you will be placed in one of the following programs to start:

  • Detoxification

  • Inpatient

  • Outpatient

  • Sober living 

  • Support groups

You can work your way down the levels from the top, and each uses different treatment methods that can be tailored to your needs.

Remain Patient: You're a Work in Progress

Once you have decided to receive treatment for SUD, remain patient and forgiving with yourself. You're learning and changing, and this takes time. Remember that relapse is not the end of the road; it's an opportunity to learn and get back up. It does not mean all the progress you've made has gone to waste. 

Even though you have already achieved one of the most difficult stages of recovery, you may still be subject to stress and turmoil. If you feel the urge to return to drugs or alcohol, practice positive coping mechanisms. These mechanisms and behaviors are designed to ease stress, anger, sadness, disappointment, and other difficult emotions without the need for drugs or alcohol. 

Start Journaling

Journaling about your drug or alcohol use and its frequency, duration, and patterns will help you begin to understand yourself and why you started using. This will help you identify triggers that could tempt you to relapse in the future. Journaling is a positive coping mechanism, allowing a safe space to relieve stress and let out harmful thoughts. This can help serve as a distraction from cravings while directly dealing with the things troubling you. 

There are different forms of journaling such as:

  • Bullet journaling

  • Daily journaling

  • Video or audio journals

  • Reflective journaling

  • Gratitude journaling

Adjust Your Environment

Adjusting your environment can be one of the most difficult tasks when bettering your life after a period of drug or alcohol use. This is why many seek professional help in treatment centers that have controlled, trusted, and uplifting environments because it allows individuals to avoid usual triggers. Adjusting your environment to be suitable for effective drug and alcohol addiction treatment can be very difficult and may require some tough decisions and conversations. Having a positive support system is an invaluable asset in recovery.

Here are some ways you can take control of your addiction and seek a positive environment fit for recovery:

Remove or have a serious talk with people who do not accept your decision for recovery: Having positive influences in recovery can make or break your progress. Ultimately, it is your decision whether you cut friends or family out of your life for not supporting your sobriety. Do what is in your best interest, especially in the early stages of recovery, where you may be most fragile. 

Remove drug or alcohol paraphernalia from your home: Seeing signs of drug use in your home can act as a negative reminder and may cause cravings and distractions when you are trying to begin your new life in recovery. Removing these items can keep you focused on your goals.

Make positive connections: Making connections through work, volunteering, or SUD support groups can ensure you have an environment fit for productive recovery. Replace bad influences with positive ones that can be a force that projects you into long-term recovery.

Admitting That You Have An Addiction To Drugs Or Alcohol Does Not Make You Weak

In fact, it is the first and one of the most difficult steps toward recovery from this harmful disease. It can be especially comforting during this time to know that you are not alone, and there are resources available to you. The Edge Treatment Center offers individual, family, and group therapy during each stage of treatment. Our highly trained and accredited counselors will help you build life skills that will carry you through lasting recovery.

Call The Edge today to learn more about your next steps in recovery at (800) 778-1772.

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We’re Here To Help You Find Your Way

If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, there is hope. Our team can guide you on your journey to recovery. Call us today.

Written by

brian-mooreBrian Moore

Content Writer

Reviewed by

jeremy-arztJeremy Arzt

Chief Clinical Officer

Drug and Alcohol


February 5, 2022