Drug and Alcohol

What Is Buspar: Usage, Dosage, and Side Effects

What Is Buspirone and How Does it Work?

Buspirone is an anti-anxiety medication that helps many people live normal lives. It can also be abused. Learn more about Buspirone abuse in our blog!

Anti-anxiety medications often alter the levels of certain chemicals in the brain. One such medication is buspirone or BuSpar. Although it is an effective anti-anxiety drug for anxiety disorders, it is also a potential substance for prescription drug abuse.

BuSpar, the brand name for buspirone, is no longer on the market. However, buspirone in generic form is still available. The two terms are often used interchangeably.

Prolonged consumption of this medication at high doses produces side effects that can be severe. This leads to multiple mental issues and, if ignored, might also lead to risks and complications in the body. Here are the details of this drug, along with the symptoms of BuSpar drug overdose and the ways to treat prescription drug abuse.

What Is Buspirone? Is It Addictive?

Buspirone is a drug that belongs to the anxiolytic drug class and effectively treats stress and depression. Although many treatment specialists believe buspirone is a non-addictive or a less-addictive anxiety drug, it can sometimes lead to addictions.

BuSpar drug overdose happens when one uses the drug at higher than the prescribed doses or along with alcohol ignoring the repercussions or symptoms that they might experience.

The side effects caused due to the excessive use of the drug when combined with alcohol are detailed below.

Dizziness and Confusion

Excessive use of BuSpar and alcohol abuse leads to dizziness, where people cannot control their actions and feelings. In addition, it causes extreme confusion and unconsciousness, which is a severe issue.

Severe Headache

Consuming this drug, along with alcohol, might lead to extreme headaches (BuSpar drug overdose). In addition, people often tend to consume additional medications when there is a headache, even without consulting a doctor.

Insomnia or Excessive Sleepiness

As insomnia haunts individuals with drug and alcohol abuse, they feel uneasy. Without proper sleep, the body tends to deteriorate physically as well. The person doesn’t find energy in any activities at home or work, which severely affects their personal and professional lives.

Depression and Anxiety Attacks

BuSpar drug overdose changes the brain’s chemistry which might lead to symptoms of anxiety in the individuals. It slows down the body’s normal neurological functions reducing brain activity. As a result, the person faces severe depression and anxiety attacks.

Aggression and Agitation

BuSpar drug overdose increases restlessness and leads to aggression, agitation, and frequent mood swings. This might also lead to hurting someone or causing extreme violence. Aggression and agitation happen due to changes in the concentration of neurotransmitters such as dopamine, norepinephrine, serotonin, and Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid or GABA.

Extreme Pain in Chest

One of the significant signs of drug abuse is extreme pain in the chest (heart problems), as it lowers the breathing rate and slows the heart rate. This happens as the brain doesn’t get enough oxygen, which also causes cardiac arrest.

Nasal Congestion

BuSpar drug overdose can have a vasoactive effect on the nose leading to nasal congestion. This happens as it inflames the nasal tissues and constricts the blood vessels causing a stuffy nose.

Apart from the above, effects of drug abuse also include blurred vision, anorexia or vomiting, heavy appetite, extreme urination, and often, death. The symptoms of drug abuse might enhance and vary from person to person.

There may be certain cases when the person is unable to understand the impact of the drug on their system. Hence, they continue consuming more buspirone leading to an overdose.

Risk Factors that Cause Buspar Overdose

While the risk factors of drug abuse vary from one person to another, most of them are common. These are:

  • Genetics: If any member of a family or the entire family is prone to anxiety attacks, then it can lead to BuSpar drug abuse. According to studies, when picking up any addiction, be it drugs, alcohol, marijuana, or drug, biology plays a pivotal role.

  • Environment: Another significant cause of drug and alcohol abuse is the environment one grows up in. it plays an essential role in developing an addiction, including peer pressure that instigates teen drug abuse.

  • Trauma: A major contributor triggering drug abuse problems is trauma. Trauma is especially common among women as most develop negative and unusual lifestyle habits after prolonged substance abuse or physical and mental abuse.

  • Mental Illness: As per recent research, most individuals with critical mental illnesses indulge in drug and alcohol abuse and vice versa. This results in the deterioration of physical health as well.

  • Ingesting in Other Ways: Taking BuSpar in alternative ways, such as smoking, injecting, or snorting, increases the risk of BuSpar drug overdose. This is risky for people who are addicted to smoking.

  • Consuming Frequently: Consuming a drug in any other way than directed or prescribed by a physician is considered prescription drug misuse. BuSpar drug overdose can happen if an individual follows prescription drug misuse.

  • Mixing with Other Drugs: Consuming buspirone with any other prescribed medication increases the chances of BuSpar drug overdose and causes dangerous drug reactions too.

  • Mixing with Alcohol: Combing buspirone with alcohol can reduce respiratory rates massively. Buspirone and alcohol can lead to impaired motor functioning, sudden blackouts, weird behavior, etc.

According to National Institute on Drug Abuse, Central Nervous System (CNS) depressants can cause drug overdoses leading to irregular breathing or nasal congestion. As a result, less oxygen reaches the brain causing damage to the nervous system, coma, permanent brain damage, or even death.

Therefore, combining buspirone with CNS depressants can lead to dangerous results, and individuals must avoid the same.

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Triggers of Buspar Drug Abuse and How to Avoid Them

People can handle their drug abuse-related issues better when they know the acts that trigger such abuses. Some of the common ones include the following:

Anxiety and Stress

Trigger: Individuals suffering from extreme stress and anxiety often consume anti-depressant medications. When they start consuming it more than prescribed, it leads to drug abuse and drug addiction. Then, they start combining it with alcohol, marihuana, or other related substance, which is dangerous.

How to Avoid: Individuals must try to understand the situation, instances, and people or places that cause anxiety and stress and start staying aware and away from them.

Negative or Uncomfortable Feelings (and How to HALT Them)

  • Trigger: Hungry, Angry, Lonely, and Tired emotions, commonly termed HALT, is the primary reason that triggers a BuSpar drug overdose. Since doctors prescribe this drug to treat anxiety, it doesn’t have an immediate effect on anxious feelings. They tend to switch to higher doses as soon as negative feelings start haunting them. Hence, long-term usage develops tolerance to the drug.

  • How to Avoid: Practicing yoga or meditation is an effective method to release negative energy. This balances your body and mind. However, people can also consult mental health professionals who will suggest specific coping mechanisms to help recover from drug abuse.

Mental or Physical Illness

  • Trigger: Certain drugs can lead people to experience several symptoms of mental health. Mental health issues can often lead to BuSpar drug overdose since these individuals might misuse this drug as a form of self-medication. Furthermore, chronic physical pain can also compel individuals toward a relapse.

  • How to Avoid: The best way to cope with such a situation is to visit a healthcare expert and know how mental health is related to the symptoms of Buspar drug overdose. The healthcare expert, depending upon the severity, might prescribe non-addictive medication or suggest alternative measures to control the situation.

  • Trigger: One of the major triggers of drug abuse is when the abuser is surrounded by people or places that have led them to such vulnerability. It can also be any event that might remind the person of past life, of anxious and stressful moments. This is when they start self-medicating again.

  • How to Avoid: One should always avoid visiting such places or interacting with such people. Additionally, they should also avoid participating in similar events that have higher chances of causing a relapse.

Overconfidence During Recovery

  • Trigger: People must understand that recovering from any addiction is a continuous process and takes time. However, if the individual recovering from a Buspar drug overdose thinks that a simple overdose will not make much difference, it will undoubtedly lead to relapse.

  • How to Avoid: During the recovery journey, one must be patient. Overconfidence and aggression will only worsen the situation. Accordingly, one must seek immediate help whenever necessary.

Celebrations and Special Occasions

  • Trigger: Special occasions and celebrations such as anniversaries, birthdays, and vacations can trigger drug abuse and mental health issues. These occasions are stressful, and if there had been any special happening/incident during any of such occasions, it is likely to hit the memory again. It is then that the individual suffers from stress and anxiety and takes medicines more than prescribed.

  • How to Avoid: Usually, individuals in the recovery period tend to lose control on such occasions. However, consulting a professional rehab center can help immensely in handling the case of relapse.

How to Understand the Symptoms of Buspar Overdose?

Drug abuse begins as a way of pleasure or experimentation and, in no time, becomes an addiction. Individuals experiencing drug abuse problems must seek medical help immediately. Here is how one can understand the symptoms of BuSpar overdose:

Recognizing BuSpar Abuse in Yourself:

  • Unable to handle a stressful situation or control an emotion urging to consume Buspar

  • Desiring to consume the drug regularly, as if a habit, frequently

  • Trying to steal money or go to extreme extents to get the medication

  • Self-medicating and increasing the dosage over time and without prescription

  • Requiring additional drugs to create similar effects

  • Ignoring society and responsibilities, trying to be alone every time

  • Always hesitant, negative attitude when anyone tries to question

  • Experiencing withdrawal symptoms when trying to stop

Recognizing BuSpar Abuse in Others:

  • Missing school and/or work frequently;, drop in performance in school or work

  • Being extremely secretive and not involving friends or family in anything

  • Requesting money frequently without any reason

  • Sudden weight loss or gain, lack of energy, motivation in life

  • Lack of interest in looking good, fun activities, or grooming oneself

When such symptoms are frequent, one must consider rehab for drug abuse if the person is diagnosed with substance abuse.

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What Are the Ways to Treat Buspar Drug Overdose?

Treatment of drug abuse caused due to overdose are:

  1. Rehabs: One must seek a good rehab center that treats people with five significant treatment phases and involves them in exciting activities. This includes hiking, walking, and visiting nature parks, fairs, etc.

  2. Meditation/Yoga: Regular practice of meditation and yoga allows one to deal with emotional triggers and stressful moments easily.

  3. Exercise: Just like drugs, practicing exercise releases endorphins or happy hormones that fight stress easily. So, why have it when you can sweat it?

Now that you know about the symptoms and risks of BuSpar drug overdose, you will be able to quickly identify the incidence of the same. This will help avoid over usage of the drug, even when taken as medication. Although drug abuse treatment is challenging, it is treatable.

With a balanced and healthy life and proper drug abuse counseling, one can easily fight BuSpar abuse and get back on track.

Get Treatment for BuSpar Addiction and Prescription Drug Abuse at The Edge Treatment Center

The Edge Treatment Center knows how dangerous BuSpar addiction can be. We use proven, evidence-based methods to treat addiction to prescription drugs like BuSpar and more.

Don’t risk a BuSpar overdose. Contact The Edge Treatment Center today and free yourself from buspirone addiction.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can indulging in hobbies help fight BuSpar overdose?

Indulging in hobbies and creativity keeps away negative thoughts and allows one to focus more on one's talent. In addition, it enhances one's skills and creates a sense of positive achievement.

Why is a caregiver important in the journey of recovery from a drug overdose?

Caregivers play a primary function in the journey of recovery from a drug overdose. As they implement positive approaches towards the patient, the patient starts to believe that they are at home and in safe hands. Care and love are one of the major necessities required during drug recovery.

Is unconsciousness in drug abuse a sign of overdose?

Yes, if one becomes unconscious frequently while taking drugs, it is a sign that this person has been taking them frequently, which has caused this overdose. This is followed by discolored or pale lips and nails.

What must one look for in a rehab center?

If one is seeking a rehab or a drug abuse treatment center, it is necessary to confirm whether it is authorized by the government. One must also look at the location where it is situated, the treatment plans it covers, reviews from previous clients, etc.

What are the phases of drug abuse treatment ideal rehabs follow?

An ideal rehab center usually follows five stages or phases of a recovery program. This includes – detoxification (withdrawal), residential treatment, partial hospitalization (PHP), intensive outpatient (IOP), and Outpatient (OP) programs, respectively.

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If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, there is hope. Our team can guide you on your journey to recovery. Call us today.

Written by

brian-mooreBrian Moore

Content Writer

Reviewed by

jeremy-arztJeremy Arzt

Chief Clinical Officer

Drug and Alcohol

January 7, 2023