Drug and Alcohol

Can You Get Addicted to Club Drugs?

Can You Get Addicted To Party Drugs?

Club/party drugs are addictive substances that can wreak havoc on your physical and mental well-being, despite producing temporary euphoria.

Most teens and young adults just want to have a good time. For some people, this means parties, concerts, and the like, where they may get introduced to “harder” drugs, such as party/club drugs.

It is common for teens and young adults to be introduced to party drugs, whether they know someone who takes them or if they have been offered substances themselves. These people will say how much these drugs enhance their social or sensory experience but usually disregard the short- and long-term side effects and consequences that are likely to come from experimenting with a drug, even just one time. 

These drugs are not to be taken lightly. They disrupt people's normal cognitive functioning and act powerfully on their central nervous system. While they may provide temporary happiness or euphoria for a good time at a party, they pose intense dangers for the people consuming them. One of those dangers is dependence or even addiction

What Are Party Drugs?

The terms party drugs, club drugs, designer drugs, and synthetic drugs are all used interchangeably to refer to various illegal psychoactive substances. These substances get their name because they are most often used in nightlife or party environments such as concerts, nightclubs, raves, and bars. They are used by partygoers looking to enhance their already high levels of stimulation. Some of the most commonly used party drugs are:

  • MDMA/Molly/Ecstasy

  • GHB

  • Ketamine

  • Cocaine

  • LSD/Acid

These drugs are also referred to as “designer” or “synthetic” drugs because they contain man-made chemicals rather than natural ingredients. For example, where marijuana is made from the cannabis sativa plant and is considered natural, party drugs on the other hand are created and produced in a laboratory. 

This alone makes consuming party drugs extremely dangerous because they are unregulated, meaning no one truly knows what chemicals go into the drug. Many overdose deaths occur from people thinking they are taking one drug when they are actually consuming something completely different. 

Every club drug produces different cognitive, emotional, and sensory side effects for a user. Stimulants, such as MDMA and cocaine, arouse the central nervous system and cause a person to feel more open, energetic, and unafraid. Depressants, such as GHB, slow the nervous system and slow the user's ability to react both physically and mentally. There are also hallucinogens, such as LSD, that completely alter a person's state of consciousness and affect their understanding of reality, potentially causing hallucinations or delusions. 

Why Should I Be Wary of Party Drugs?

One may wonder if some of these substances have the potential to artificially enhance life experience, what consequences could possibly outweigh the use of the substances? The most important thing to consider is that there is no way to accurately tell if a party substance is pure without lab testing it. Even then, tests can produce inconclusive, incomplete, or false results. 

What's more, such drugs may be laced with other substances, like date rape drugs or extremely harmful chemicals that have nasty, potentially dangerous side effects. Even one use can cause future cravings and may lead to addiction.

Since every drug produces unique effects, the consequences of use will also be unique to the substance in question. The adverse effects of stimulants include:

  • Depression

  • Dependence

  • Loss of appetite

  • Insomnia or inability to sleep

  • Increased or irregular heart rate

  • Increased blood pressure

  • Increased body temperature

  • Hallucinations

  • Irritability

  • Seizures

The adverse effects of depressants include:

  • Depression

  • Dependence

  • Mood swings

  • Issues breathing

  • Sexual dysfunction

  • Weight gain

  • Respiratory failure

The adverse effects of hallucinogens include:

  • Psychological dependence

  • Muscle spasms

  • Loss of coordination

  • Convulsions

  • Dissociation

  • Aggressive or hostile behavior

  • “Flashbacks”

  • Nause

  • Distortions of time, direction, and distance

  • Blurred senses

Acknowledging the Addictive Potential of Party Drugs

Many people think that addiction is when one feels the need to use a certain substance constantly. Being addicted does not mean that a person is always high or drunk. Instead, addiction is characterized by an increase in tolerance and unavoidable physical or psychological symptoms associated with withdrawal. 

The biggest danger in trying a substance even once is that your mind and body will remember the feeling that the substance gives your body. Your mind and body can become obsessed with that temporary feeling of euphoria, so much so that it will encourage you to consume that substance again. Using party substances is rarely a one-time thing because of how high their addictive potential is. 

Another misconception is that if a person can limit their use of party drugs to weekends or once a month, they must not be addicted. In reality, these drugs have an incredibly high potential for abuse. It is important that people who struggle with addiction from these substances experience the clarity and peace they need with proper treatment, starting with detox

Party drugs, such as MDMA, GHB, cocaine, and LSD, have been around for decades. Many young adults use these drugs to enhance their awareness and sensory experience. Many people fall into the cycle of addiction because consuming party drugs can create a false sense of reality. If you or a loved one spends a concerning amount of time using or recovering from the use of a party drug and continues to use them despite awareness of consequences, addiction may be at play, and professional help is needed.

The Edge Treatment Center is an addiction rehab center that can help you recover from addiction and educate you on the dangers of substance use. Call us at (800) 778-1772.

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Written by

brian-mooreBrian Moore

Content Writer

Reviewed by

jeremy-arztJeremy Arzt

Chief Clinical Officer

Drug and Alcohol

March 7, 2022