Addiction Recovery - Relationships in Recovery

4 Ways To Convince a Loved One They Need Rehab

How to Convince a Loved One They Need Rehab

It can be hard to talk to a loved one about their need for addiction rehabilitation. Talking to a drug rehab center can make the process easier.

As addiction in today's society continues to rise, it is concerning to know how many people are left untreated for substance use disorder (SUD). Watching someone battle addiction can be heartbreaking and their actions can have consequences for everyone involved.

Even if the person using drugs has a desire to stop, quitting substances after excessive use can be a difficult task.

When Is Rehab Needed?

Many people avoid treatment because they either can't identify they have an addiction or simply aren't aware of the consequences of their actions. You may be wondering whether your loved one's substance use has progressed enough to need rehab. The reality is that asking yourself that question means there is likely a problem. If they are showing any signs of addiction, no matter how intense, they should seek professional help

Symptoms of addiction include:

  • Excessive use

  • Lack of control

  • Unstable relationships

  • Cravings

  • Withdrawal 

  • Wanting to quit but not being able to

  • Neglecting responsibilities

  • Using larger amounts or growing a tolerance

  • Spending excessive time trying to obtain and use drugs

How to Prepare Your Loved One for Rehab 

If substance abuse is harming your loved one and those around them then it is time to seek professional intensive help. Waiting to seek help can have detrimental consequences. If you are at a point where your loved one needs treatment, it is time to introduce the idea of rehab. Unfortunately, the idea of talking to them about their addiction may seem easier said than done.

Luckily, this is common in the world of addiction recovery, so below are four tips to help convince a loved one they need rehab. 

#1. Do Research

Before you decide to talk to your loved one, take time to educate yourself on addiction and how to talk about rehab. Because of how complex and sensitive talking about drug use is, you will need to be prepared to speak on facts and come from a place of knowledge.

The first thing you should do is research the causes and symptoms of addiction. Not only will this help you better understand what they are going through and how to care for them, but also help you realize that addiction is a disease. You should then try to learn why excessive drug use is so dangerous and what can happen if it is not treated in time.

This should inform you that if your loved one is battling an addiction, seeking help from an addiction recovery center is your best option.

#2. Find a Treatment Center

After you research addiction and the best ways to treat it, you can move on to finding a treatment center that best meets your loved one's needs. Finding the right treatment center for your loved one is essential to ensure they safely and successfully reach sobriety.

The first thing to keep in mind when looking for a center is that it should be fully licensed and accredited. Then you should see if the facility treats the specific addiction that your loved one is struggling with and whether they treat any co-occurring mental disorders they may have. To avoid financial stress, make sure the center you chose is affordable. Some treatment facilities accept certain insurance, and there are other ways to help cover the cost of treatment. Consider whether sending them to a hometown facility or if a new environment will be better.

Whatever decision you make, make sure it is one that both you and your loved one can feel comfortable with while they work through addiction recovery. 

#3. Plan an Intervention

Planning an intervention is a traditional way to convince someone they need rehab and has been an approach used for years. An intervention is a planned meeting that consists of the person with a substance use problem and their loved ones.

The purpose of the meeting is to have a conversation about the individual's drug use and how it has negatively impacted everyone's life along with theirs. Some people might not realize that they have a drug problem or how much their drug use has affected those around them.

An intervention can act as a wake-up call and help them understand their need for help. Planning and executing an intervention can feel like an overwhelming task. If you would like additional help, reach out to a professional interventionist who can help plan and facilitate an intervention with your loved one. 

#4. Don't Shame, Guilt, or Beg

While it is important that your loved one is held responsible for their actions, you must still have tact when addressing them. When talking to someone about their addiction, never try to shame or guilt them into seeking help. Yes, their actions may have caused harm, shame, or embarrassment to themselves, you, or other people they love, but you should take an empathetic approach to how you discuss it.

Shaming, guilting, or begging them into going to rehab can cause them to push you away.

While you can share how their addiction has impacted your life, share from a place of concern and desire to see them truly heal. If you are struggling to manage emotions while talking to them, seek a professional that can help keep a neutral and calm environment during the conversation.  

Finding A Treatment Center Helps Your Loved One Make the Right Choice

Addiction is a disease, and for some people, it can be hard to see how drug use harms their life. It can be difficult for loved ones to watch them throw their life away to drugs, and it is even harder when their actions affect you. One way to help a loved one accept that they need rehab is to find a treatment center.

The Edge Treatment Center is dedicated to successfully helping our clients achieve long-term sobriety. If your loved one needs assistance with substance use, contact us today.

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If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, there is hope. Our team can guide you on your journey to recovery. Call us today.

Written by

brian-mooreBrian Moore

Content Writer

Reviewed by

jeremy-arztJeremy Arzt

Chief Clinical Officer

Addiction Recovery

Relationships in Recovery

May 2, 2022