Addiction Recovery - Treatment Professional

Will Insurance Pay for Drug Detox?

Will Insurance Pay for Drug Detox?

Drug detox is the first crucial step of recovery. Does insurance pay for it? The Edge Treatment Center will walk you through this complex process.

Struggling with substance use disorder (SUD) is hard to overcome. If left untreated, it can cause harm to the person with the SUD and the people close to them.

Choosing to attend drug detox is a tough decision that can leave you with many unanswered questions and concerns. If one of your larger concerns is how you will afford drug detox, we are here to help.

The bright side is that you have a few different options to cover all or some of the costs of drug detox. 

The Differences Between Drug Detox and Drug Rehab

Many times, society uses the words “drug detox” and “drug rehab” interchangeably, when in reality, they are quite different. Detox is the process through which you clear the substance from your body. Professional detox is the best way to do this because medical professionals will help your body get safely cleansed from the substance, sometimes by using other medications. This is called medication-assisted treatment (MAT).

Drug detox is the first step in treatment, followed by rehab.

Some side-effects of drug detox include:

  • Mood swings 

  • Anxiety 

  • Depression 

  • Excessive shaking

  • Nausea 

  • Headaches 

  • Intense cravings 

Rehab is the process of continued services to rehabilitate someone struggling with SUD. Drug rehab is a more long-term process than drug detox and usually involves many different kinds of therapy, both clinical and holistic. 

In most cases, to be successful in sobriety, you will need to complete both drug detox and drug rehab because they provide different but equally necessary roles in the recovery process. It would be almost impossible to have a successful recovery without completing detox before attempting rehab or solely completing detox without following it up with rehab.

Drug detox and drug rehab sometimes have separate restrictions and requirements to qualify for coverage with your insurance. Knowing the difference between the two can help you better understand what is available to you through insurance.

The Affordable Care Act

The affordable care act (ACA), also known as “Obamacare,” was signed by former President Barack Obama in 2010. It has three main objectives: make affordable health insurance accessible to more Americans, expand the Medicaid program to adults with income below 138% of the federal poverty level, and support new medical care programs to help lower the cost of healthcare. 

There has always been a negative stigma surrounding mental health and SUD. Unfortunately, this still exists today, but it has dramatically decreased due in part to the ACA. This stigma has decreased largely for insurance companies because the act requires them to provide coverage for mental health treatment, which includes SUD treatment. 

The ACA also requires that insurance policies provide coverage for mental health conditions. This is beneficial because a large number of people who struggle with SUD also struggle with their mental health. The most common mental health disorders people struggle with in conjunction with SUD are anxiety and depression. 

Insurance and Drug Detox 

Since every person is unique, the detox process will look different for everyone. The detox process can change based on the specific substance used, how often, for how long, and more. Additionally, there are different kinds of detox: medical and non-medical. This is important to note because the extent to which an insurance policy will cover detox services often depends on these factors.

Other factors impacting out-of-pocket detox costs are your insurance policy's deductibles and copays. Some insurance companies require copayments for each of the services the drug detox facility charges. These copayments would all vary as well, depending on the prices from the facility and how long and intense your detox process must be. Lastly, if you choose an out-of-network facility, this will likely cost the most because you might receive little to no coverage. 

Drug Detox & Addiction Treatment at The Edge Treatment Center 

Here at The Edge Treatment Center, we believe the first step in treating drug addiction is drug detox. This should always be done at a professional medical facility so you can be monitored and your withdrawal symptoms reduced. 

Our detox partners make this process as safe and comfortable as possible. When you've completed detox and are ready for rehab, The Edge Treatment Center has you covered and can make the transition between detox, treatment, and normal life as smooth as possible.

Don’t take the “cold turkey” approach. With our network of detox centers, you’ll be able to detox safely and effectively. Contact The Edge Treatment Center today to learn more!

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Written by

brian-mooreBrian Moore

Content Writer

Reviewed by

jeremy-arztJeremy Arzt

Chief Clinical Officer

Addiction Recovery

Treatment Professional

July 20, 2022