Drug and Alcohol - Sobriety - Treatment Professional

Why Choose a Drug Treatment Center in SoCal?

Why Choose a Drug Treatment Center in SoCal?

Moving can help you escape negative influences, addiction triggers, and harmful social networks. Southern California is an ideal place for recovery.

If you have decided to seek professional treatment for your drug or alcohol addiction, you should be very proud! Admitting that you need help with your addiction and going through with it is a huge accomplishment, but it's only the first step in a large series of choices and lifestyle changes to be made. 

Choosing where in the country you would like to enter a program in a drug and alcohol treatment center is a big decision that requires some research into your goals in recovery. Southern California is the national hub for drug and alcohol recovery, which is why many people choose this area of the country to begin their journey. Here are some reasons why you should consider choosing an addiction treatment center such as The Edge Treatment Center in beautiful Southern California. 

Environment Matters

The environment in which you live and get treatment is a major influencing factor in the success of your recovery. The more positive influences you surround yourself with, the better. Because drug and alcohol abuse are serious issues in California, there is a wide variety of treatment centers available to individuals that can meet their needs. Having a range of choices for treatment centers allows you the freedom to choose the one best suited to treat you. 

Environmental factors that play a role in recovery could include:

  • Family: If your family does not accept your decision to begin recovery, or if they continue to use drugs or alcohol, it can be very difficult to abstain from using drugs when sharing an environment with them. A treatment center far from your home could be a good thing.

  • Peers: Similar to family, your recovery can be more difficult if your peers participate in activities where drugs or alcohol are involved. Again, getting away from that environment will help you.

  • Work: If your job requires a lot of attention and dedication, you may find it difficult to remain focused on recovery. You may need to consider a treatment option that will allow you to integrate work and recovery.

  • Past trauma: If you are plagued by past trauma, the resulting stress may influence you to drink or use drugs. Working through this trauma with a licensed therapist in a controlled environment will allow for productive healing so that you can focus on building your life in recovery. 

  • Community: Having friends and family that support your recovery and being included in a community that does as well can make you feel as though you have an entire army that will support you through this difficult time. 

When receiving treatment for drug or alcohol addiction, your environment can make or break your ability to get and stay sober. Treatment centers offer a controlled environment with fellow people in recovery and professionals all determined to help you in your journey. Not only does Southern California offer an array of treatment centers, but it also offers a rich community that is passionate about recovery and doesn't stigmatize mistakes you made in the past. 

California Culture: How It Helps Recovery

As mentioned above, Southern California has a rich recovery community where many locals have been through it themselves. Instead of choosing a location where drug and alcohol use is more stigmatized, you can receive treatment where the treatment center and the community are dedicated to openly talking about the issue and getting you the kind of help you need.

Besides being a location with a community centered around recovery, locals also value health and activity. This will allow you to enjoy sober activities that will make recovery seem less like a chore and more like the beginning of your new life. Many treatment centers in Southern California, including The Edge Treatment Center, take advantage of this culture and the many nearby opportunities and offer fun outdoor activities to their participants. 

All work and no play make recovery a dull process. Sometimes you just have to get out beyond the treatment center walls and experience the healing powers of nature.

Here are a few of the activities available to you should you choose to receive treatment in Southern California

  • Hiking

  • Beach visits

  • Paddleboarding

  • Ice skating

  • Rock climbing

  • Ropes courses

  • Farm visits

  • Trips to a zoo or national park

AA, NA, And More: SoCal Is A Hub For 12-Step Groups

During treatment and following graduation from a drug or alcohol recovery program, there will be people there when you need them should you begin struggling with triggers, cravings, or relapse. Because Southern California prides itself on being a hub for recovery, there is great accessibility to AA or NA meetings. 

There is an AA or NA meeting no more than 30 minutes from any given location around Southern California. This can make a huge difference for those in recovery because they will be able to maintain a positive support system that will propel them into long-term recovery. They can then include themselves in a community that strives for recovery and begin to help others as well.

A Positive Environment Can Encourage Recovery

In the same ways one's environment can influence an individual to use drugs or alcohol, a positive environment can also influence them to remain sober. Southern California is a national hub for drug and alcohol recovery. This allows participants in treatment centers to receive support during their time in a program and after they leave treatment as well.

The Edge Treatment Center is an addiction rehab center located in beautiful Southern California that is committed to providing you with tools to fulfill your life in and out of treatment. Call us today to learn more about our personalized outpatient treatment plans at (800) 778-1772

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If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, there is hope. Our team can guide you on your journey to recovery. Call us today.

Written by

brian-mooreBrian Moore

Content Writer

Reviewed by

jeremy-arztJeremy Arzt

Chief Clinical Officer

Drug and Alcohol


Treatment Professional

February 4, 2022