Addiction Recovery

What Should I Look for in an Outpatient Drug Rehab Program?

What Should I Look for in an Outpatient Drug Rehab Program?

Outpatient drug rehab programs are part of the recovery journey, provided you find the right one for you. Here's what to look for.

There are many different phases of addiction treatment. Two of the main programs for individuals to consider are inpatient and outpatient programs. Inpatient rehabilitation programs are exceptionally beneficial to those in need of detox or 24/7 support. Once an inpatient program is completed — or depending on the current situation of your recovery journey — an outpatient recovery program is a great next step to consider.

Outpatient drug rehab programs offer more flexibility and affordability and allow people to continue working and living with their families.

Before starting an outpatient drug rehab program, it’s essential to do some research. Just as these programs can be beneficial, the wrong program can hinder your recovery. Don’t hesitate to discuss potential outpatient programs with a therapist or medical professional. They may have resources to help you choose or offer referrals for successful programs.

Things You Should Avoid in an Outpatient Program

Different outpatient programs offer unique approaches to recovery. While researching the right program for you, you’ll need to be vigilant of red flags. If you’re not following a 12-Step program, you may want to avoid a program based on the 12 Steps. If you’re focused on a primarily holistic approach to treatment, consider finding a program that fosters a holistic lifestyle. It’s also important to avoid outpatient programs with a one-size-fits-all approach.

Individualized approaches to treatment are significantly more successful than a single, set-in-stone model. A successful outpatient program should be mindful of this. The staff should work with you to better understand your values and needs.

Other red flags can include disengaged staff members, poor reviews from medical professionals, or a lack of structured programs for clients. Competent outpatient programs need some sort of structure. That may include weekly counseling, family therapy, and a curriculum of diverse programs. The wrong program could set you back in your recovery.

In addition to research, ask your doctor, counselor, or support network for advice before picking an outpatient program.

What Makes a Good Outpatient Program?

The biggest benefit of outpatient programs is the flexibility they offer. Clients remain living at home but attend treatment during the day, physically or virtually. People maintain a routine that provides a sense of normalcy. Research has indicated that staying connected with friends and family makes recovery more successful. Inpatient programs can take away that connection for some time, affecting the outcome of the recovery process.

There are different outpatient programs to consider as well. Some programs may be more conducive for you than others.

What makes a good outpatient program depends on your needs. For some, a combination of individual and group counseling sessions is best. During these sessions, clients focus on determining triggers and learning coping techniques. Addiction often develops from the inability to healthily cope with trauma and stress. Focus on finding an outpatient program that will help you to learn these techniques and offer opportunities to put them into practice.

Group therapy is effective for reducing isolation and making connections. These connections are essential for broadening your support network. Addiction is an isolating disorder. A good outpatient program will offer the chance to make these connections, allowing you to maintain recovery long-term.

Post-Inpatient Outpatient Programs 

Some people believe outpatient rehab programs have lower success rates for recovery. Unfortunately, this is true for those in need of more intense treatment. In an inpatient program, clients stay at the facility and have access to 24/7 care and support. The lack of distractions allows people to focus solely on recovery. However, it also disrupts the connection clients have with their loved ones. In cases of severe addiction, you or a loved one may consider first going through an inpatient program.

Many people join outpatient programs upon completing an inpatient program. The transition from inpatient treatment to everyday life has its challenges. Outpatient programs help you stay on track, continue practicing new coping techniques, and broaden your support network while getting back into the groove of your normal routine. The program will make transitioning back to everyday life smoother, preserving your sobriety in early recovery.

Outpatient Programs at The Edge Treatment Center 

An outpatient program is generally less intensive than an inpatient program, which is why some use it as the next step in recovery. Clients have more flexibility and can balance recovery time with work, school, home, and family time. The connections people make with peers and treatment professionals will be a great benefit, and they leave feeling more confident in managing relapses and triggers. 

Deciding between an inpatient and outpatient program is a big choice. Consult your doctor and mental health professionals about where to start. You may begin an inpatient program and decide to enroll in outpatient care afterward. To learn more about outpatient programs and seek addiction treatment, The Edge Treatment Center can help you find freedom today. 

If you are suffering from addiction, consider the pros and cons of an outpatient program. Conduct research, consult medical professionals and call The Edge Treatment Center at (800) 778-1772 for help today.

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Written by

brian-mooreBrian Moore

Content Writer

Reviewed by

jeremy-arztJeremy Arzt

Chief Clinical Officer

Addiction Recovery

April 25, 2022