Addiction Recovery - Drug and Alcohol

The Signs of Amphetamine Addiction


Amphetamines can be highly addictive. Luckily, treatment options are available. Call The Edge Treatment Center today for more information.

Both prescription stimulants and illegal amphetamines can be highly addictive. These substances can take control of individuals’ lives and become highly disruptive for them and the people surrounding them. 

However, staying informed gives us a chance to see the problem before it spirals out of control. 

What Are Amphetamines? 

Amphetamines are central nervous stimulants. Using amphetamines can result in feelings of higher energy, focus, confidence, and euphoria. Typically, amphetamines are prescribed for ADHD, narcolepsy, and sometimes depression.  

Types of prescription amphetamines include: 

  • Adderall 

  • Dexedrine 

  • Vyvanse 

  • Generic ADHD medications 

Although methamphetamine is different from the prescription medications listed above, the two classifications are very similar. Both substances are stimulants and create similar results within the body. 

How Addiction Happens 

Typically, individuals taking prescription amphetamines as intended do not develop addictions. That being said, amphetamines are highly addictive, and individuals who misuse them run some major risks. 

When individuals start taking amphetamines to feel high or improve their performance, they are more likely to begin abusing the substance and develop dependence. The reason these substances are highly addictive is due to their stimulant nature. 

Put simply, amphetamines influence dopamine and norepinephrine in the brain, neurotransmitters that make you feel good. This good feeling can become addictive, causing individuals to seek it out more and more. This increased usage leads to tolerance and dependence, making living without the substance harder. 

Signs of Amphetamine Addiction 

The signs of amphetamine addiction can take the form of both physical and mental symptoms. Some signs to look out for include: 

  • Increased heart rate and blood pressure 

  • Decreased appetite and weight loss 

  • Insomnia 

  • Digestive upset 

  • Mood swings 

  • Aggression 

  • Paranoia and anxiety 

  • Visual, auditory, or tactile hallucinations 

  • Inability to keep up with work, school, or home responsibilities 

  • Much of the person’s time spent seeking or using the drug 

  • Missing pills from a prescription 

  • Changes in groups of friends and difficulties with relationships 

  • Loss of interest in previous activities 

Harmful Effects of Amphetamines 

Amphetamines have both short- and long-term adverse health effects. However, not every individual will experience the full range of these effects. 

Some of the harmful effects of amphetamines include:  

  • Decreased appetite and weight loss 

  • Heart problems such as fast heart rate, irregular heartbeat, increased blood pressure, and heart attack. 

  • High body temperature and skin flushing 

  • Memory loss problems thinking clearly, and stroke 

  • Mood and emotional problems such as aggressive or violent behavior, depression, and suicide 

  • Ongoing hallucinations and inability to tell what is real 

  • Restlessness and tremors 

  • Skin sores 

  • Sleep problems 

  • Tooth decay  

  • Death 

Amphetamine Withdrawal Symptoms 

Like any other substance, amphetamines have a range of unpleasant withdrawal symptoms. When the human body is used to taking a substance and suddenly stops or slows down, withdrawal symptoms start to take effect. 

Withdrawal symptoms of amphetamines include: 

  • Irritability 

  • Body and muscle pain 

  • Depressed mood 

  • Impaired social functioning 

  • Fatigue 

  • Sleeping problems 

  • Vivid nightmares 

  • Body restlessness or slowing 

  • Increased appetite 

  • Loss of interest or pleasure 

  • Cravings for the drug 

These effects can be incredibly unpleasant and challenging to deal with alone. For that reason, it is recommended to go through the detoxification process with professional help. 

Treatment Options for Amphetamine Addiction 

Luckily, there are many treatment options available for amphetamine addiction. First and foremost, treatment will begin with an individual wanting to make a change. Wanting to make a change is the first bold step toward recovery. However, after the initial decision, what options are there for individuals seeking treatment for amphetamine addiction? 

Detoxification: For some individuals, detoxification might be the first step towards long-term sobriety. Detox includes safely eliminating toxins from drugs from the body. Detox typically takes place under medical supervision, allowing individuals to undergo the withdrawal process with more ease and comfort. 

Therapy: Different forms of therapy can help individuals in their process of achieving long-term sobriety from amphetamines. The goal of therapy is to help individuals realize and understand their behaviors. Through this understanding, they can implement practical changes that bring long-term growth.  

Different therapy options can include cognitive-behavioral therapy, dialectical behavior therapy, group therapy, and more. 

Inpatient Programs: Some individuals may benefit from an inpatient program when going through their recovery journey. These programs allow individuals to have a clinical structure, support system, and community when making changes towards long-term sobriety. Inpatient programs vary, but typically you can find programs ranging from short-term 30 day programs to 90 days and longer. 

Intensive Outpatient Treatment: Intensive Outpatient Programs (IOP) are another excellent treatment option. These programs allow individuals to receive the benefits of a clinical structure, support system, and community without staying long-term at a facility. This ensures clients can keep up with their day-to-day lives and responsibilities.  

Amphetamines Are Highly Addictive 

For some individuals, what was once an honest curiosity can become a destructive habit, one which damages not only their life but also the lives around them. 

At The Edge Treatment Center, we’re here to help you take responsibility for your life and gain control again. We believe everyone is unique, and the treatment they need should be varied and personalized. We treat our clients with respect, dignity, and without judgment.  

If you are ready to take the first step, call (800) 778-1772.

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Written by

brian-mooreBrian Moore

Content Writer

Reviewed by

jeremy-arztJeremy Arzt

Chief Clinical Officer

Addiction Recovery

Drug and Alcohol

January 13, 2022