Drug and Alcohol - Sobriety

The Danger of Avoiding Drug & Alcohol Rehab

The Danger of Avoiding Drug & Alcohol Rehab

Avoiding rehab makes addiction progress and can leave you unprepared for the struggles of the recovery process. The Edge Treatment Center can help.

Drug rehab can be intimidating.

With uncertainties and changes ahead, it is common to have reservations about attending a rehab facility to address one’s use of drugs, alcohol, and other addictive substances. However, rehab is an incredibly important part of the recovery process, and avoiding it in an attempt to overcome an addiction on your own can lead to a myriad of unnecessary hurdles and struggles throughout one’s journey.

Addiction recovery is not easy, but rehab can help each individual overcome their unique struggles and discover strategies necessary for a healthy, sober life.

The All-Encompassing Nature of Addiction

Addiction is a powerful disease that affects every aspect of one’s life. While those suffering from addiction can feel isolated in their use and symptoms, the truth is that addiction can quickly branch into every other part of their life.

Friends and family can be affected by one’s use because of behavioral changes, workplace performance or attendance may suffer, and even regular household responsibilities could fall by the wayside. Addiction affects many people and carries implications far beyond one’s immediate feelings or person.

Likewise, addiction is about more than just one’s use of a particular addictive substance. Addiction can alter one’s brain chemistry, making it difficult to focus on tasks, and even causing invasive thoughts and urges to reengage with addictive substances. Anxiety, depression, panic, and other mental health challenges are common results of addiction.

Overcoming addiction isn’t just about learning to cease one’s use of these destructive substances, but also coping with all of the effects of addiction, like one’s mental health, relationships, responsibilities, career, and more.

Addiction Will Continue to Develop

While addiction may manifest itself in unique ways depending on the individual, if left unaddressed, it is a disease that will continue to bleed into more parts of one’s life in increasingly drastic ways. Trust in personal and familial relationships can be destroyed. One’s use of substances may continually increase in frequency and amount alongside one’s growing tolerance, which may also severely impact finances and behavior. This can lead to legal ramifications and even more physical damage to one’s internal systems, particularly the liver and lungs.

Addiction is a disease that continues to worsen until it is addressed, and treatment is a necessary catalyst to help each individual begin their journey back to a sober lifestyle. Ignoring one’s use or failing to confront the extent of its effects doesn’t mitigate its destructive nature; in fact, it has quite the opposite effect. Being proactive about one’s use of addictive substances creates the best start in rehab.

The Dangers of Rehab at Home

Attempting rehab at home is a common idea. However, there are many unnecessary risks associated with doing so. Anxiety, depression, and various physical health risks caused by addiction, detox, and withdrawal can be incredibly difficult to process, and trying to tackle these complex concerns without informed, professional guidance can potentially be dangerous.

At-home rehab can also be a difficult prospect from the beginning. Environment plays a huge role in addiction, and without changing one’s environment or company, it can be incredibly difficult to truly embrace a new start or fresh routine. Breaking away from former habits is crucial for a sober future. For example, while playing video games with friends may not be a bad idea in practice, if one is used to playing with friends while drinking or using, it can bring back unnecessary urges and romanticize one’s time with addictive substances again.

Truly distancing oneself from these ideas as much as possible is incredibly difficult if attempting rehab at home.

Planning for the Future

Help from an addiction treatment center isn’t just about learning to cease one’s use. Even long after detox, one may still struggle with cravings and urges for a prolonged period after one’s sobriety is established, possibly even the rest of one’s life.

Aftercare planning, creating sober goals, and working to maintain one’s sobriety for a healthy way of life are all part of the rehab process. Rehab provides the opportunity to plan for the future based on one’s unique needs and goals beyond the use of addictive substances, all while cultivating appropriate skills alongside trained professionals — an invaluable resource for maintaining one’s sober transformation.

Creating a Community

Because addiction can feel isolating, it is important to connect with like-minded individuals who share in one’s struggles and goals. Rehab is a great way to get connected, share ideas, and challenge each other in sober solidarity, all working toward common goals and support. Having people around who understand and support one’s sober choices can continue to validate and reinforce one’s motivation for sobriety.

This support is more difficult to find for those avoiding a dedicated rehab program. Creating new relationships, sharing sober strategies, and working together to create an atmosphere of support are crucial for a prolonged sober lifestyle. 

Rehab is an indispensable source of support and education that is essential for effective, prolonged recovery, and we at The Edge Treatment Center are prepared to help you address your unique battle with addiction today.

With a plethora of unique options, as well as varying levels of care available, we can guide you from detox through residential or outpatient programs and aftercare planning, guiding you each step of the way with personalized techniques pertinent to your goals. For more information on how we can personalize your time with us, speak to a caring, trained staff member about your unique situation today.

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We’re Here To Help You Find Your Way

If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, there is hope. Our team can guide you on your journey to recovery. Call us today.

Written by

brian-mooreBrian Moore

Content Writer

Reviewed by

jeremy-arztJeremy Arzt

Chief Clinical Officer

Drug and Alcohol


April 29, 2022