Addiction Recovery - Sobriety

The Benefits of Group Therapy

The Benefits of Group Therapy

Group therapy allows people to work together and share their experiences as they journey towards recovery together. That's just one of its benefits!

Where individual therapy involves one-on-one therapy with a client and therapist, group therapy involves multiple clients going through the therapeutic process together, simultaneously. Both types of therapy options provide unique benefits to one's healing process.

Group Therapy Vs. Individual Therapy

There are several advantages to individual therapy sessions, such as:

  • A client receives one-on-one attention from the therapist/counselor

  • A client's issues remain confidential between the client and therapist

  • The pace of therapy can be adjusted to the specific needs of a client

  • The level of treatment can be more intensive and comprehensive than group therapy

When comparing individual therapy to group therapy, there are several disadvantages that individual therapy can have when a client limits themself to only individual therapy. 

For example, sometimes a client may feel that they are going through something that no one else would be able to understand, especially when it comes to experiences of trauma or grief. It's not that a therapist is unable to offer comfort or support their healing, but during times of loneliness, it helps people to know that they are not the only ones struggling. 

This only scratches the surface when considering the various benefits of group therapy.

Group Therapy Lets You Know That You're Not Alone

In society today, it is normal for people to find advice, comfort, and support through technological means, such as social media. Many people consider this to be an active search for social support or a viable way to be in a community.

In reality, they are still sitting in isolation at home and aren't reaping the benefits of true socialization. There are inevitable benefits in being physically surrounded by support. 

One of the most important benefits of group therapy is that it helps assure people that they are not alone in what they are experiencing. Whether it's depression, addiction, fear of uncertainty, grief, or some other mental health problem — there are known benefits from talking about one's mental health out loud, especially with others who have similar struggles. 

During group therapy, people often share stories or explain their emotional processes about situations that are happening in their life. By participating in therapy, people can choose to share their stories or sit and be active listeners for someone else. Regardless, group therapy can help people realize that everyone experiences distress from time to time. 

Group Therapy Can Bring About New Perspectives

Another benefit of group therapy is that it can bring new perspectives to one's journey. For example, if someone shares a personal story about their partner causing them emotional pain, their peers can help them see how their partner might be feeling and give new perspectives on how to handle the situation.

Sometimes people need help to see past their own understanding of a circumstance to be able to fix it. 

Group therapy can also help bring perspective to one's own stressful situation by listening to others talk about their stress. It can be easy for people to victimize themselves from time to time, thinking that the world is actively working against them.

Listening to others talk about their issues may help people see the light in their own distress. 

Group Therapy Promotes Connection and Communication

Groups not only help to lessen feelings of loneliness, but they also offer valuable opportunities to engage with other people. People in treatment or recovery might struggle with the thought of making friends. Connection is critical for everyone's healing journey because it equips them with the support and encouragement they need to make positive change. 

Sometimes the reactions that people have to one's story may be surprising, such as someone saying exactly what one needed to hear. It could go the other way, and someone may hit on a painful truth one had yet to discover. Either way, group therapy promotes connection and aids in communication blockages, especially when sessions are facilitated by a therapist or another mental health professional. 

Facing Your Fears of Group Therapy 

The thought of group therapy can be intimidating, especially when it's someone's first time. Many people that contemplate group therapy are hesitant merely because of the fear of judgment, embarrassment, or other emotional distress that may surface during discussion. No matter the reason, people should face their fears.

Although it may seem intimidating at the beginning, group therapy can play a key role in a person's ability and willingness to heal. Group therapy will introduce people to different coping skills that they might not have tried in the past, or to peers that offer a listening ear to help them navigate their distress.

If you are contemplating group therapy, this is your sign to give it a try. When you are searching for different groups or facilities that offer group therapy, you might find specialized groups that focus on a certain topic of healing. If you are struggling with something in particular, such as depression, there is a group waiting to heal alongside you.

Group Therapy Makes People Feel Less Alone

Group therapy is a treatment modality that involves a mental health professional facilitating therapy in a group of people. It brings about new perspectives to any participant's life, whether they choose to share their story or simply sit back and listen.

The Edge Treatment Center values group therapy as a helpful treatment modality when recovering from mental illness or substance use. For more information about group therapy or our other evidence-based treatment programs, call us a call today at (800) 778-1772.

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Written by

brian-mooreBrian Moore

Content Writer

Reviewed by

jeremy-arztJeremy Arzt

Chief Clinical Officer

Addiction Recovery


March 8, 2022