
Looking at Temptations From a Different Perspective


Looking at temptation from a different perspective can give you hope while journeying through recovery. For more information, visit The Edge today!

For centuries, temptation has been a concept that we have been taught to avoid.

The feeling of being allured by something wrong is inherent in many people; it’s almost as if it is part of human nature

People condemn those that fall into temptation. However, acting on these desires in some ways makes you human. This is one of the many views that grant a different perspective on temptation.

In recovery, you may often face temptation. After a long period of drug and alcohol addiction, it is normal to crave those substances again from time to time. It’s essential to recognize that this struggle is understandable, and you are not alone in your fight. Looking at temptation in a positive light can help you recover successfully. 

Temptation Is Your “Past Self”

When you’re fighting to improve yourself and overcome your addiction, it’s good to see temptation as if your past self is trying to pull you back into your old habits. Imagine that the things you did are another version of yourself that is long gone and does not represent who you are today. 

The moments you feel tempted to do something again, it’s your past self, doing its best to trigger you. It’s good to imagine this urge as an embodiment of who you no longer are. Doing so can help you recognize what you have accomplished since that time. Reminding yourself at every tempting moment that you are no longer the person you used to be can help you look past cravings and move on.

If you do succumb to temptation, it is crucial not to feel ashamed. Getting rid of your past self can be challenging and falling into temptation reminds you that your past self is still there. At this point, you can continue to push forward and change into the person you want to be. 

Temptations Are an Obstacle

No matter which belief system you may have, it’s helpful to think of temptation as an obstacle placed there to test your endurance. It can be part of your journey of achieving the best version of yourself. 

If you have successfully reached the point of recovery, you can see that as conquering the obstacles that were placed upon you. The temptations of addiction might have been necessary to help you recognize the decisions you needed to make to keep improving. 

Even falling into your temptations can be seen as part of those obstacles in your recovery. Those pitfalls can enlighten you not to repeat those actions and keep striving to wipe these urges away from you. This is all part of the elaborate framework for how people can grow with time into being their best selves.

Temptations Help Build Self-Control

That sensation you feel once you are seduced by something can be served in fostering self-control. Many people may have problems keeping their feelings of temptation in check; they can be a powerful influence. 

According to an April 2017 article from SMART Recovery, self-control is built and developed by your behavior repeatedly. By going through these different sensations that temptations trigger, you can learn to control indefinitely. This also means that you may not overcome each temptation throughout your recovery process, but the results will help you achieve that control.

Unfortunately, self-control isn’t built into everyone’s DNA, but it’s something that is learned with education and experience. With experience, you can learn from both bad and good moments in life to develop self-restraint. 

There will be a point in your recovery where the urges that arise will be controlled, and you will not be affected by them; with further assistance, those feelings will cease to exist. However, it’s important not to feel ashamed when these temptations do arise, as they can add to your journey of self-control and learning to combat temptation.

Learning From Your Temptations

The feelings of temptation that cloud your judgment can help you evolve. It’s up to you to manage these temptations to help yourself overcome your problems and live a healthy life in recovery. 

You can use past experiences as guidance for what to avoid and what you should do moving forward. Strategize about the different things that can help you move through these feelings and feel empowered in your recovery. Vulnerable moments shouldn’t bring you down. Instead, they should be catalysts for self-improvement.

Continue working on controlling these urges but don’t feel discouraged by feeling them. Look at them through a different lens. Learn to look at them from a different perspective. Remember that temptations can be a tool for learning. Remember that no one is perfect and that it’s natural to have these urges. Through this perspective and more, you will be able to journey through recovery successfully.

The feeling of temptation is natural for everyone. However, temptations can be a recurring feeling for those in recovery. After giving up substances, it is normal to crave them for some time, even years into sobriety. Temptation is often seen as a person is weak, but it’s time to give a different perspective of what this feeling means. The Edge Treatment Center understands the difficulty in staying away from these urges during recovery. We are here to help you live a healthy life in recovery. Remember that you are not alone in this fight; having these urges makes you human. For more information on how we can support you, call today!

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Written by

brian-mooreBrian Moore

Content Writer

Reviewed by

jeremy-arztJeremy Arzt

Chief Clinical Officer


January 13, 2022