Addiction Recovery

Is Outpatient Drug Rehab Right For Me?

Is Outpatient Drug Rehab Right For Me?

Outpatient care has many advantages, but it's not the right fit for everyone. Read our blog to learn more about this advanced level of care.

Discovering you are addicted to drugs is a very scary and intimidating realization. You may be wondering where to start when it comes to treatment options. When determining the best recovery path for you, it’s crucial to make sure you are educated on your options before choosing a treatment program.

Because the causes and effects of addiction are unique to each individual, there are many treatment options available to cater to each person and their recovery goals.

What Is Outpatient Addiction Treatment?

Outpatient drug rehab differs from residential treatment in that it is less comprehensive and doesn’t require overnight stays. You may be wondering what treatment may look like for you. While it varies between people and treatment centers, most outpatient programs have a few things in common. 

Firstly, outpatient programs provide individual and group therapies, creating a safe and sober environment for you to receive ongoing support. Second, education about addiction and mental health is provided to ensure you understand how the treatment you are receiving can translate into your everyday life.

Lastly, most outpatient programs also include family sessions and activities, emphasizing the importance of the family as a source of support. Some programs also include medical consultation and psychiatry to treat the underlying causes that led to your addiction or co-occurring disorders.

Outpatient treatment can aid in the recovery of various types of substance use disorders (SUDs) and can serve as either an extension of previous inpatient treatment or as a way to overcome milder addictions before they seriously take a toll on your life. No matter where you are in your recovery journey, an outpatient treatment program may be a good option for you. So, how do you know if you could benefit from outpatient care as opposed to inpatient care?

The Benefits of Outpatient Treatment Programs

As outpatient care has proven to be an effective treatment method, it comes with many benefits. First off, outpatient treatment usually costs less than inpatient treatment because there are fewer expenses that need to be covered. In addition, it enables individuals to continue to work or keep family obligations while in recovery.

Most outpatient treatment programs offer morning, evening, and weekend sessions to make the program as flexible and attainable as possible. This allows more flexibility for other areas of life, like school, work, and home, allowing you to find a healthy balance, which can also aid recovery. Many programs also offer online sessions as an option for those who find it difficult to leave their families, or who feel more comfortable being in their own, familiar environment during the treatment process.

Furthermore, outpatient treatment programs help you maintain your privacy by not making you miss out on your normal daily activities.

Another benefit that is often overlooked is that outpatient clinics are local. Most outpatient treatment centers don’t require you to travel far, and they help you establish resources for support within your local community that will last even after your treatment program is finished. While all these benefits may sound appealing, it’s still important to make sure outpatient treatment is the right recovery option for you.

How Do I Know Which Treatment Is Best for Me?

Because outpatient treatment is less intense and comprehensive than inpatient treatment and you aren’t monitored around the clock, you must meet certain criteria to prevent you from experiencing a relapse.

Outpatient treatment has proven to be most effective for individuals who are in good overall health, with no underlying health conditions, and who already have a strong and stable support system and living situation set up.

You might consider outpatient care if:

  • Your addiction is manageable and in the early stages of addiction, not requiring intense detoxification

  • You require continuing care after completing an inpatient or intensive care program to help ease your transition into a life of sobriety

  • You are looking for additional support outside of your immediate, established support system

  • You don’t have the money for inpatient care, but you want to take steps toward overcoming your addiction

Ultimately, this choice comes down to the severity of your addiction, your current existing support system, and your overall treatment goals. When trying to choose the best course of treatment for yourself, it’s important to be honest when self-assessing the level of your addiction. In cases where self-diagnosis may be difficult, you can always talk to a medical professional to help determine what your specific needs may be.

Seeking Outpatient Treatment

If you’ve met any of the criteria previously mentioned, you may have decided that outpatient treatment is the best course of action for you to take. Keep in mind that each outpatient experience will be different depending on your needs, your recovery goals, and what the treatment center offers. What it ultimately comes down to is making sure you choose the right outpatient treatment program for you.

Whether you’re trying to take the first step to recovery or trying to continue your recovery process after inpatient treatment, outpatient treatment may be an effective treatment option for you, allowing for flexibility and a healthy life balance.

The caring and knowledgeable staff at The Edge Treatment Center is dedicated to providing individualized and comprehensive outpatient treatment plans for those who are struggling with addiction, no matter where they may be on their journey. If you think outpatient treatment is the right choice for you, reach out to The Edge Treatment Center.

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Written by

brian-mooreBrian Moore

Content Writer

Reviewed by

jeremy-arztJeremy Arzt

Chief Clinical Officer

Addiction Recovery

April 18, 2022