Sobriety - Alumni

How to Reset Your Living Space After Addiction Treatment

How to Reset Your Living Space After Addiction Treatment

Home is where the heart is, and your heart is healing. As you live your recovery, make sure your living space is appropriately equipped to support you

Life after treatment for drug and alcohol addiction can pose new challenges and a renewed sense of excitement for a new life. Completing a program is cause for celebration, especially if the road that led you to this moment was rough.

When you get discharged or graduate to a less-intensive phase of treatment, you may have mixed emotions. Part of you may feel optimistic about returning home, while the other may feel reluctant and, perhaps, not ready. You may find your hesitancy is due in part to the fact that you're returning to the place in which you experienced much suffering or which you associate strongly with your addiction. That can be a jarring reality to face.

Do I Have to Do This Alone?

Not everyone returning to the home they experienced turmoil in has the ability to pick up and move to a different space. Most people must renew and reset their current living space into a recovery-friendly one. Your concerns are entirely rational and are a positive sign of your recovery. This way of thinking indicates that you have grasped the truth about your substance use or co-occurring disorders. You understand that, at one point, you did not keep the best company or need extra support adjusting to life outside recovery services. 

The good news is that you are not alone in this experience as there have been many others like you who have had to revitalize their living situations once they returned home. Different needs must be met to ensure a smooth transition from a facility to home. You can build a strong discharge plan by assessing your needs with a trusted professional and someone in your support network. Questions you may want to ask yourself are: 

  • Are there any items, substances, or paraphernalia that need to be thrown away before you get home? How will you get that taken care of?

  • Do you have a "safe person" that can transport you home? Have you talked to them about it?

  • What outside recovery events will you attend once you return? (12-Step meetings, therapeutic services, support groups, etc.) How will you make sure you stick with it?

By being honest with yourself and those who are there to help, you will create an atmosphere of support, which you will need as you enter this new chapter. 

Fitting YOU Into Your Space

As daunting as it may seem, clearing your space to reflect on who you are today can be a cathartic and healing experience. Whether you live in a mansion or rent a bedroom, there are many ways to re-imagine the place you call home. You don't need to spend any money to make this happen if you don't want to; you can simply get rid of things that aren't part of your life anymore and use what you have to reset your space. Get creative and tap into the part of yourself that feels slightly intimidated by change and gently shake things up. 

Here are some tips that can support you in this effort:

  • Set up a playlist of your favorite songs. It's way easier to make big changes to your life and your space when you have something to fill the silence, especially something you can sing and dance along to.

  • Throw away anything ready to be thrown out. It's easy to hold on to things rather than toss them, and this can show up in your life in something as simple as a cluttered room or as extreme as a toxic relationship. Getting comfortable with the process of letting go of the small stuff can help strengthen your ability to release bigger things as you move through your life. 

  • If you can, open a window and allow the breeze to replenish your home. Fresh air can make your space feel new and ready to support you as you learn and grow in this new stage of your life.

  • Let there be light! Studies show that natural light can positively impact mental health and sleep. Make sure that you are opening up your blinds during the day and allowing the sun to spill into your space.

You Are Supported

All of these tips may sound good in theory, but perhaps you still feel you are not quite there yet. For some, the prospect of returning home is not an option due to extreme circumstances. If this is you, don't worry. Other options are available for those who have found their living situation too divisive to settle into again. 

Whether it's the neighborhood or the people under your roof, you don't have to tough it out by returning home if it is not safe to do so. You might arrange a rental agreement with your sponsor, get a new place with a fellow treatment center graduate, or make use of your treatment center's sober living housing. Whatever the decision, do whatever you feel is necessary to maintain and nurture your mental health and overall well-being. 

Your Home Should Always Bring You Comfort And Security

If you are recovering from addiction, the prospect of going home can feel triggering or lonely. If you're a graduate of The Edge Treatment Center, our sober living home arrangements provide an excellent alternative to going straight home. Our clinicians and service-minded staff work with our alumni to ensure you receive the best care even after you leave us. Even if a sober living home isn't for you, we can help you with the next steps. Let us help you establish a new way of living so that you can find peace in your home. Call us today at (800) 778-1772.

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If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, there is hope. Our team can guide you on your journey to recovery. Call us today.

Written by

brian-mooreBrian Moore

Content Writer

Reviewed by

jeremy-arztJeremy Arzt

Chief Clinical Officer



January 31, 2022