Treatment Professional

How To Find Mental Health Help

How To Find Mental Health Help

Mental health disorders often accompany addiction. If you are in need of dual diagnosis help, contact The Edge Treatment Center.

Mental health disorders can affect many areas of your life. These disorders can change your moods, thoughts, and behaviors, causing you to do and say things you may not normally do or say. Mental health disorders can be hereditary or stem from trauma or neglect during pivotal points in childhood and adolescence.

The state of your mental health can begin to cause frequent disturbances in your everyday life, such as missing school, performance issues at work, avoiding family functions or plans with friends, sleep disturbances, and even drug or alcohol use.

How Do You Know if You Have a Mental Health Disorder?

If you suspect you have mental health issues, seek professional help for your concerns. Asking for help can be very difficult; knowing who to ask can be even harder. It is a very noble and mature act to be able to recognize when you need help. Getting the proper diagnosis is only possible with professional intervention and is the first step toward healing. There is hope, and there are people who can help you out of the complicated feelings you are having. Below are some resources you can take advantage of if you ever find yourself struggling with your mental health.

In a Crisis: In a mental health crisis, seek immediate professional support by calling 911 or a hotline made specifically for your concern. The National Institute for Mental Health provides individuals with hotlines for various circumstances.

Ask Your Primary Care Physician: Often, your primary care physician is a great starting point. Speaking with them about the troubles you've been having, whether it be with sleep, stress, bouts of anxiety or depression, or impulsive behaviors, can result in getting help by way of referral to specialists who can speak with you further about your mental health. 

Establish Your Support System: The people you choose to surround yourself with can make a huge difference in the state of your mental health. Seeking people in your life that are willing to help you through these times unconditionally can make a big impact. When you spend time with people whose company you enjoy and people you trust when you are going through trials in your life, you'll know they'll be in your corner when things like mental health issues arise. 

Talk to a Loved One: If you have a loved one with whom you feel comfortable talking about mental health and its effect on your life, they are a good first point of contact. Speaking with someone you are close to, and trust can give you the confidence to seek professional treatment. They may even help schedule appointments for you or offer to go with you for support.

Find Support Groups: Support groups are another resource that can help foster positivity, understanding, and friendship during times when you feel as though you are alone with your mental illness. Feeling alone in your struggles can make moments where you are at your lowest seem even more distressing. Sitting with a group of peers who already understand the difficulties you are dealing with can bring a layer of support that can lift you up in recovery. Individuals in support groups have experience with mental health disorders similar to yours and can guide you toward helpful activities and resources. 

Research Treatments: If you decide to receive professional treatment for mental health troubles, do further research into types of treatment for that disorder to find options that will benefit you. You can also call a local therapist who can give you further information or refer you to the proper treatment center if they don't have the resources to treat your disorder. 

What to research when considering help for mental health concerns: Treatment centers: Treatment centers will often have information on their website about what they treat and how their center functions. 

Types of treatment for a specific mental health disorder: Depending on the degree to which a mental health disorder is affecting you, treatment centers may offer inpatient, outpatient, partial hospitalization, or other forms of treatment programs. 

Mental health support from your employer: Mental illnesses are becoming more widely accepted, which means that more employers offer support to their employees. Speaking with someone in your human resources department may allow you a more affordable and accessible way to receive help.

Insurance accepted: If you have decided what kind of treatment program you would like to participate in, finding out if centers accept your insurance provider can make or break your decision to receive treatment from that center. 

Reaching Out Is Hard ... But Worth It

Mental health disorders can be detrimental to your health, relationships, and everyday life. Reaching out for help is difficult but is so worth the leap of faith. The Edge Treatment Center will meet you where you are in your journey and provide accredited care in a safe, welcoming environment designed for healing. Through outpatient treatment, we will work with you to reach lasting recovery from mental health and substance use disorders.

We can introduce you to a community of individuals who will support you and believe in your ability to reach full recovery. Call us today to learn more about our treatment programs at (800) 778-1772.

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Written by

brian-mooreBrian Moore

Content Writer

Reviewed by

jeremy-arztJeremy Arzt

Chief Clinical Officer

Treatment Professional

February 9, 2022