Drug and Alcohol
How Long Does Weed Stay in Your System After a Couple of Puffs?

How long does weed stay in your system after a couple of puffs? What's a puff? How much THC is in a puff? We explore these questions and more.
Not everybody who uses weed is a heavy user. For some people, a couple of hits are all they need.
But if they work in a field where drug tests are common (or have to pass a drug screen for a new job), they may be asking themselves a question:
How long does weed stay in your system after a couple of puffs?
Weed is a very fast-acting drug, especially when you smoke it – the effects can be felt right away. But how much weed do you need to smoke before it's detectable...or becomes addictive?
So, How Long Does Weed Stay in Your System After a Couple of Puffs?
The answer to this question varies depending on several factors, including the individual's metabolism, frequency of use, and the type of drug test being administered. Generally speaking, THC, the psychoactive compound in weed that is responsible for producing a high, can be detected in urine for up to 30 days after occasional use. However, for someone who only takes a couple of puffs every now and then, the detection window may be shorter.
Another important factor to consider is the type of drug test being used. Urine tests are commonly used by employers and can detect traces of THC for a longer period compared to blood or saliva tests. Blood tests are more accurate in detecting recent marijuana use and can detect THC for up to 7 days after occasional use. Saliva tests are the least common and can only detect THC for a few hours after use.
What Is a "Puff," Anyway?
In the context of this article, a "puff" refers to inhaling and exhaling smoke or vapor from marijuana. This can be in the form of smoking a joint, using a pipe or bong, or vaping. The amount of THC present in each puff will vary depending on the type and potency of the weed being used.
It's also important to note that even just a small amount of weed can produce strong effects for new or infrequent users. It's always best to start with a low dose and gradually increase if desired.
So to determine how long weed stays in your system after a couple of puffs requires looking at the thing in weed that gets you high (and potentially addicted):
What Is THC?
THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, is the primary psychoactive compound found in marijuana. It works by binding to receptors in the brain and altering brain function and mood.
After being consumed, THC is rapidly broken down into metabolites that are then stored in body fat. These metabolites can be detected in drug tests and give an indication of recent marijuana use.
The amount of time THC stays in your system varies based on individual factors such as metabolism and frequency of use. In general, occasional users will have a shorter detection window compared to regular users.

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How Much THC Is in Weed?
This is a hard question to answer. Some strains of cannabis are considerably stronger than others. Then there are edibles, which can also be very strong. You also have cannabis concentrates like shatter and wax, which can be incredibly potent.
For the purposes of this blog, we'll try to answer the question by using a joint as an example – a rolled tube of weed that people smoke. Again, different strains of weed mean different potencies. But in general, a joint weighs around half a gram, which can come out to anywhere between 40 to 115 mg of THC.
But how much THC is in one puff of a joint?
How Much THC Is in One Hit?
Unfortunately, there's no definitive answer to this question. The amount of THC in one puff can vary greatly depending on factors such as the type of weed used, the potency of the strain, and how deeply the person inhales.
In general, a single puff may contain anywhere from 1-5 mg of THC. However, this is just an estimate and can vary significantly based on individual factors.
So, How Long Does 5mg of THC Stay in Your System?
As mentioned earlier, the length of time THC stays in your system can vary depending on individual factors. However, for occasional users who only consume a small amount (around 5mg) at a time, it is likely that the detection window will be shorter.
In general, THC can be detected in urine for up to 30 days after occasional use. For blood tests, THC can be detected for up to 7 days after consumption. Saliva tests may only detect THC for a few hours after use.
What About Other Forms of Weed?
A couple of puffs from say, a dab rig or a wax pen is likely to stay in your system far longer. These cannabis concentrates are much more potent and can contain upwards of 90% THC.
Additionally, edibles can also stay in your system for longer periods of time compared to smoking or vaping. This is because the THC is metabolized by the liver before entering the bloodstream, resulting in a slower absorption rate and longer detection window.

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How Long Does a Weed High Last?
The duration of a weed high can also vary depending on individual factors. Generally, smoking or vaping weed will produce effects that last for 1-3 hours, while edibles and concentrates may produce longer-lasting effects.
It's important to remember that the duration of a high does not necessarily correlate with how long THC stays in your system. Even after the effects have worn off, THC and its metabolites may still be detected in drug tests for a period of time.
Drug Tests and Weed
Different drug tests can detect weed in your system for varying lengths of time. Also, the amount of weed you take plays a huge role in determining an answer to this question. A couple of puffs of weed, even from a relatively potent strain, is likely to leave your system far more quickly than say, multiple joints would.
Blood Tests for Weed
Blood tests are the most accurate in detecting recent marijuana use, as they measure the active THC in your system. However, this also means that it has a shorter detection window compared to other types of drug tests.
For an occasional user who takes a couple of puffs of weed, blood tests may only detect THC for up to 7 days after consumption. For regular users, this window may be extended.
Urine Tests for Weed
Urine tests are commonly used by employers and can detect traces of THC for a longer period compared to blood or saliva tests. As mentioned earlier, THC can be detected in urine for up to 30 days after occasional use. However, frequent users may have a longer detection window.
Hair Tests for Weed
Hair tests can detect THC for the longest period of time – up to 90 days after use. However, these tests are more expensive and less commonly used compared to other types of drug tests.
Saliva Tests for Weed
Saliva tests are the least common and can only detect THC for a few hours after use. This makes them less reliable for detecting marijuana use over an extended period of time.

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What Happens When You Use Weed?
When THC binds to receptors in the brain, it can produce a range of effects such as relaxation, altered perception, and increased appetite. These effects can also vary depending on individual factors and the type and potency of weed being used.
However, it's important to note that excessive or frequent use of marijuana can lead to potential negative side effects such as anxiety, paranoia, and impaired cognitive function.
How Do Our Bodies Metabolize Weed?
Our bodies metabolize weed by breaking down THC into inactive compounds that are then stored in body fat. These metabolites can be detected in drug tests and give an indication of recent marijuana use.
Some studies have suggested that certain factors such as diet, exercise, and metabolism rate may impact the speed at which our bodies break down and eliminate THC.
Eating a diet high in fat may lead to a longer detection window for THC. This is because THC and its metabolites are stored in body fat, so individuals with higher levels of body fat may take longer to eliminate these compounds from their system.
Exercise can also impact the rate at which our bodies break down and eliminate THC. Some studies have shown that regular exercise can increase metabolism and aid in the faster elimination of THC.
Metabolism Rate
Individuals with a faster metabolism rate may eliminate THC more quickly compared to those with a slower metabolism rate. This means that factors such as age, weight, and genetics can play a role in how long it takes for your body to metabolize and eliminate THC.

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Weed Detox
There is no surefire way to rapidly detox your body from weed, as individual factors and the type of drug test being used can greatly impact the length of time THC stays in your system.
However, some methods that may potentially help speed up the process include drinking plenty of water, exercising regularly, eating a healthy and balanced diet, and abstaining from marijuana use for an extended period of time.
It's important to note that there is limited scientific evidence to support these methods and results may vary for each individual. Ultimately, the best way to ensure you pass a drug test is to refrain from using marijuana altogether.
Struggling With Weed? We Can Help
Weed is addictive, and while it's not as destructive (or deadly) as opioid, alcohol, or meth addiction, weed can still effectively take over your life. As it is a psychoactive substance, weed can trigger or worsen mental health disorders like anxiety and depression.
If you're struggling with weed addiction, know that you are not alone. The Edge Treatment Center effectively treats weed addiction with proven, evidence-based methods. We'll work with you to find a path out of addiction that works for you, helping you safely explore the roots of your weed use and develop coping mechanisms that'll keep weed out of your life for good,
It can happen today. Reach out to us to learn more.

We’re Here To Help You Find Your Way
If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, there is hope. Our team can guide you on your journey to recovery. Call us today.
Written by

Content Writer
Reviewed by

Chief Clinical Officer
Drug and Alcohol
October 24, 2024
Frequently Asked Questions
The length of time that weed stays in your system can vary depending on individual factors and the type of drug test being used. Generally, THC can be detected for up to 30 days in urine, 7 days in blood, and up to 90 days in hair.
There is limited scientific evidence to support methods that claim to rapidly detox the body from weed. However, some suggestions include drinking plenty of water, exercising regularly, and abstaining from marijuana use for an extended period of time.
When THC binds to receptors in the brain, it can produce a range of effects such as relaxation, altered perception, and increased appetite. However, excessive or frequent use of marijuana can lead to potential negative side effects such as anxiety, paranoia, and impaired cognitive function.
While not as destructive or deadly as other substances, weed can still be addictive. It can also trigger or worsen mental health disorders like anxiety and depression. If you're struggling with weed addiction, reach out for help from a trusted treatment center. There are evidence-based methods available to help you find a path out of addiction and develop healthy coping mechanisms.
There is ongoing debate about the safety of smoking weed compared to cigarettes. While marijuana smoke does not contain many of the harmful chemicals found in tobacco smoke, it still contains some tar and other compounds that can potentially harm the lungs.
Additionally, long-term heavy use of marijuana has been linked to respiratory problems and an increased risk of developing certain types of cancer. It's important to keep in mind that any type of smoking can have negative effects on your health.