Drug and Alcohol - Relapse Prevention

How Does Drug Rehab Make Withdrawal Easier?

How Does Drug Rehab Make Withdrawal Easier?

Withdrawal is a tough part of recovery, but dedicated detox and rehab programs can make it much easier … and more effective.

Withdrawal can be an incredibly difficult process. Both the physical and emotional impacts of withdrawal can present an early hurdle in your recovery. Relapse as a result of withdrawal symptoms is common, so managing these symptoms and utilizing the comfort and support of available resources is necessary.

Drug rehab and dedicated detox programs are essential to help the withdrawal process be safe, and comfortable while focusing on preventing relapse and managing your physical and emotional needs during this transformative time.

The Trials of Withdrawal

There are a plethora of sources of discomfort throughout detox and withdrawal. Not only can you feel physically uncomfortable with nausea, vomiting, shaking, exhaustion, and difficulty sleeping all being prevalent symptoms, but your psychological state may also be challenged.

Anxiety, depression, mood swings, irritation, panic, and more are all common. Going through withdrawal comes when you are still at the beginning of your recovery, meaning you may not have yet developed skills for safely and effectively processing such a tumultuous emotional state.

Professional help in drug rehab will not eliminate the symptoms of withdrawal. However, it can provide the resources needed to navigate this time safely, all while providing additional comforts, strategies, and a safe and supportive environment to maximize your success and mobility toward your continuing rehab efforts.

Medical Care and Monitoring

Detox and withdrawal are intense experiences and can be further affected by factors like:

  • The substance used

  • The frequency of use

  • The unique withdrawal symptoms presented

It is impossible to predict exactly which symptoms will manifest and to what intensity but being prepared is crucial.

Drug rehab provides necessary monitoring and medical care that not only alleviates symptoms of withdrawal but also provides the medical support to overcome these physical and emotional trials in your journey toward a sober future.

Having access to medical monitoring can provide you with an additional feeling of safety in the knowledge that those watching over your detox process are educated and prepared to cope with the psychological and physiological effects of withdrawal.

Some detox centers may use medication-assisted treatment (MAT), where professionals can prescribe medication to directly address and help alleviate certain withdrawal symptoms. This kind of medical support can be essential for navigating the toughest withdrawal symptoms during detox and emerging with your sobriety in full focus.

Providing Emotional Support

Even the most caring of supportive people in your life are usually not professionals when it comes to detox, withdrawal, and recovery. There is no replacement for the emotional support that professionals in drug rehab provide. Not only does treatment provide personalized support from the most educated people, but those suffering from anxiety, depression, paranoia, panic, or other emotional hurdles of withdrawal or a dual diagnosis will have access to understanding and prepared individuals to challenge and overcome these intense feelings.

Recovery isn’t just about staying away from addictive substances but about changing your perspective and embracing a lifestyle abstinent from their use. This requires emotional support and coaching from recovery professionals who can help you process complex emotional trials while gaining the necessary motivation to continue pursuing sobriety.

Preventing Relapse

The earliest stages of drug rehab are also the most difficult, and relapse can be exceptionally prevalent during this time. Drug rehab programs provide a safe atmosphere free of dangerous substances and stressors that may be associated with them to create a space that facilitates ongoing sobriety.

Intense withdrawal symptoms, coupled with the stress of detox and recovery, can make relapse a particular danger in the early recovery stages. It is normal for those navigating detox and withdrawal to feel compelled to reengage with addictive substances to get the physical and emotional discomforts to stop, even if that means acting against their better conscious mind and desires.

Medical and emotional support, coupled with a safe atmosphere, can make managing cravings easier. Working through withdrawal symptoms until they begin to subside can promote a healthy path forward in sobriety.

Education Moving Forward

Recovery is far from easy, but understanding what withdrawal is and what to expect can go a long way in maintaining your motivation to see recovery through. Drug rehab not only serves to process withdrawal symptoms but also educates you on what your journey forward may look like.

Navigating withdrawal can prepare you for further levels of care in residential, partial hospitalization, or outpatient programs, depending on your unique needs and goals.

Having access to education on the process is essential to help those navigating detox understand why they may feel a certain way during each phase of their recovery journey. Education about addiction and recovery is part of creating a personalized recovery plan and helping each individual make informed decisions about their future possibilities in sobriety.

There is nothing simple about coping with withdrawal and its emotional or physical symptoms. Drug rehab provides the resources, education, and medical monitoring needed to make withdrawal easier.

The Edge Treatment Center Understands the Challenge of Withdrawal

The Edge Treatment Center will craft an effective, personalized treatment plan. Whether this is your first step into recovery or your tenth, we offer an array of proven therapeutic modalities that can make your time with us as impactful as possible.

For more information, contact The Edge Treatment Center today!

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Written by

brian-mooreBrian Moore

Content Writer

Reviewed by

jeremy-arztJeremy Arzt

Chief Clinical Officer

Drug and Alcohol

Relapse Prevention

June 10, 2022