Addiction Recovery - Relationships in Recovery

How Community Positively Impacts the Recovery Process


Everyone benefits from community engagement — especially those on the road to recovery. For more information, call today!

One of the most challenging factors of long-term recovery might be leaving behind your old life, habits, and relationships. Although not everyone will have to go through this, many will have to separate themselves from past relationships, sometimes for the long run. This separation may be necessary to the recovery process, but it doesn’t make it any easier. 

How does being involved in a community positively impact the recovery process, and what can you do to join one? 

The Benefits of Community 

The advantages of being part of a healthy community during the recovery process are tenfold. Being part of a community reinforces positive behavior, creates a support system, and even benefits your health. 

It Reinforces Positive Behavior: One of the best advantages of a community is how it reinforces positive behavior. Individuals on the road to long-term recovery get to meet people who have been in their shoes and succeed despite everything. This reinforces the positive behavior and habits that the individuals are trying to implement and maintain.  

Social Support: Having a social support system or network of people is incredibly beneficial during the journey of recovery: Who wants to be alone? Even introverted people benefit from having a social support system and a group of friends who truly understand what they are going through. Being able to rely on this social support allows you to handle the trials and tribulations of life with more ease. 

Health Benefits: It’s no surprise that being involved in a community can positively impact your health. From improved mental health to potentially longer lifespans, community engagement is necessary for a well-balanced lifestyle. 

A Sense of Belonging: A community contributes to your overall sense of belonging. By being part of something bigger than yourself and working towards a common goal, you’re able to create meaningful experiences. These meaningful experiences generate long-term value in your life that you can look back on even in the worst of times. 

Types of Communities in the Recovery Process 

During the process of recovery, you might find yourself in many different communities. These communities are designed to aid you in your journey and provide you with the social support that will carry you to new heights. Through these communities, you will create meaningful and long-lasting relationships. Some of these communities include: 

1. Inpatient Communities 

During a stay at an inpatient treatment program, you will meet various people who have the same goal as you. You and these individuals will be working towards a brighter future and supporting each other along the way. This process will be a healing phase of your life through the staff’s guidance, clinical structure, and meaningful relationships, marking a significant change. 

2. 12-Step Programs 

12-Step programs, such as Alcoholics Anonymous, serve as communities with those battling the same type of problem. Through these programs, individuals meet and consciously work to develop better habits and lifestyles together. Like the inpatient communities, you will be around others with a shared goal. There are also alternatives to 12-step programs which can also help.

3. Group Therapies 

Another form of community you may come across on your journey to long-term recovery is group therapies. You may join group therapy in inpatient programs or even outpatient programs. Here, you will be able to learn from others and their experiences thoroughly. You will find like-minded individuals you can relate to and bond with.  

How Do You Join a Community? 

Regardless of where you’re at on your road to long-term sobriety, communities have real benefits in recovery. Good news: you may already be part of a community or joined one at some point during your journey! 

However, how can you join a community, and where can you find one? 

Finding a Community 

There are excellent resources online you can use to find local communities and events. These events could be social events like potlucks and fundraisers, or volunteer opportunities. You can consider looking up different programs and activities for those facing the same struggles as you.  

Be Yourself! 

Whether you’re at an inpatient facility or a soup kitchen, be open and honest with the other members of your community. Accepting who you are will allow you to accept others for who they are. In turn, you will be able to create meaningful relationships built on understanding and trust. 

Take a Chance! 

Leaping to join a community, putting yourself out there, and meeting new people can be scary. Take the chance on both the community and yourself! Be open to the new and exciting experiences that can await you. What you will gain is well worth the uncertainty. 

The benefits of community cannot be understated. The road to recovery is filled with trials and tribulations – it’s often challenging, lonely, and frightening to face all of them alone. It may seem like a good idea to face your fight one-on-one — just you and a grudge-match against your problems. 

This is a good way to get overwhelmed. At The Edge Treatment Center, you can team up with our clinical staff and others to conquer every trial and tribulation in your path. Through group therapy, programs, and experiences, you will create meaningful and long-lasting relationships. You’ll meet people who know exactly what you’re going through and how to help. We believe every person and their needs are unique. 

We offer personalized treatment programs with our clients in mind. If you or a loved one is ready to take the first step towards recovery and join our community, call us at (800) 778-1772 for more information.

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We’re Here To Help You Find Your Way

If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, there is hope. Our team can guide you on your journey to recovery. Call us today.

Written by

brian-mooreBrian Moore

Content Writer

Reviewed by

jeremy-arztJeremy Arzt

Chief Clinical Officer

Addiction Recovery

Relationships in Recovery

January 13, 2022