Treatment Professional

How Clients Benefit From Telemedicine Services


Telemedicine provides clients with higher quality care, comfort, convenience, higher frequency, and more. Call The Edge today for more information!

With technological advancements and the global pandemic, telemedicine is becoming more and more of a viable treatment option. Telemedicine offers comfort, convenience, connection, and more. 

But what exactly is telemedicine? 

What Is Telemedicine? 

Telemedicine is the act of providing care from a distance using technology. It can be used with any smart device, including phones, tablets, desktop computers, and laptops.  

A wide range of ways to connect exists, including: 

  • Texting 

  • Chatting in online forums 

  • Video calls 

  • Telephone calls 

  • Online patient portals 

  • Email 

Now clients can get the care they need quickly and effectively as long as they have access to the internet, a wi-fi network, or phone data.  

Not all telehealth includes direct communication through voice or video. Telemedicine can be used to exchange files online or offline using data-sharing services.  

Ways Clients Benefit From Telemedicine 

Clients can benefit from telemedicine in a variety of different ways. All clients are different, and so are their needs, treatment plans, and circumstances. Telemedicine can help bridge the gap for specific clients and match their needs.  

Comfort and Convenience: Telemedicine has the unique advantage of providing clients with more comfort and convenience. Traditional doctor’s offices can be unnerving, uncomfortable, or even out of the way for some. Being able to connect with medical professionals from the comfort of the client’s home can allow for better care. 

Provides Support in Difficult Circumstances: Some clients may not be able to reach a doctor’s office, due to medical reasons, circumstances, or even location. Telemedicine allows clients to get the help they need, even if the circumstances make it more challenging. Essentially, medical professionals can reach more clients and have a broader impact than ever before. 

Regular Connection: Telemedicine allows clients to connect with medical professionals on a more regular basis. Some clients may not be able to communicate with their medical team as often as necessary due to a variety of reasons. Telemedicine bridges this gap and allows clients to connect more frequently. This frequency of connection allows for better and more comprehensive care over the long run.  

Control of Infectious Disease: This may be one of the most significant advantages of telemedicine. With the global pandemic, controlling the spread of infectious diseases is especially important. Telemedicine allows clients to stay home and out of waiting rooms. This lowers the spread of illness and, in turn, saves lives. 

Benefits to the Elderly and Young: Telemedicine benefits both the elderly and the young. For those who may have difficulty traveling, telemedicine can bring a greater sense of ease. Telemedicine can save a few headaches for parents with young children who need someone to watch them while they go to appointments. 

Better Assessments: With telemedicine, healthcare professionals may be able to provide better assessments for their clients. For example, speaking to family members about the client’s condition provides insights in creating a treatment plan. Additionally, seeing the layout of a client’s house can also assist in this process. 

What Should You Know About Telemedicine? 

As a medical professional, providing the best care for your clients is the number one priority. Telemedicine can aid you in this goal. But what should you know before jumping into telemedicine?  

Test First 

Before incorporating a new system or type of technology into your practice, it’s best to test it out beforehand. This ensures you know how the system works on your devices and that you know how to reach out to support to iron out any kinks before meeting with clients.  

Sometimes it can be useful to try out the system using several devices before going live with clients because it may work well with a desktop computer but have problems connecting with a cellphone.  

Not All Systems Are the Same 

It would be fantastic if everything worked the same, wouldn’t it? Unfortunately, not all telemedicine services are created equal.  

Some systems will work better than others. It’s essential to test out different services, give them enough time to show their flaws, and adjust accordingly.  

Should You Incorporate Telemedicine? 

You may be wondering if you should incorporate telemedicine services into your practice. The answer is going to come down to your needs, goals, and type of practice.  

Telemedicine comes with many unique benefits and advantages that traditional medicine can’t always provide. For example, your clients can still meet with you and get the help they need even if they do not have reliable transport, cannot find affordable childcare services, or live far away from your office location. 

Ever since the emergence of the global pandemic, telemedicine has become more popular and advantageous. Through telemedicine, practitioners can stop the spread of infectious disease, deliver higher quality care, and connect with our clients with increased frequency. 

At The Edge Treatment Center, we believe providing clients with the highest quality care is the bare minimum we can provide. We offer personalized treatment programs, individual therapy, and group therapy. 

If you are interested in referring a client or seeking more information, call us today at (800) 778-1772.

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Written by

brian-mooreBrian Moore

Content Writer

Reviewed by

jeremy-arztJeremy Arzt

Chief Clinical Officer

Treatment Professional

January 13, 2022