Drug and Alcohol - Opioid Addiction

G036 Pill: Examining the Effects of Hydrocodone Abuse, Fake Lortab, & More

What is Fake Lortab?

Counterfeit pills are an ever-present danger, and the G036 pill is no exception. Learn all about fake Lortab and its dangers in our blog.

Hydrocodone is an opioid analgesic that can be found in a variety of prescription medications, including Lortab and Vicodin. It has been prescribed to relieve moderate to severe pain for many years, but its widespread misuse has led to a rise in drug-related deaths and overdoses.

In addition, fake versions of the medication, known as G036 pills, have been produced and distributed on the black market. In this article, we'll explore the dangers of hydrocodone abuse, the potential for addiction to fake Lortab, and other related topics.

By the Numbers:

The National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) reported that 6.9 million people in the US aged 12 and older misused hydrocodone in 2016. 

What Is the G036 Pill?

G036 pill is a medication that is a combination of two components: hydrocodone and acetaminophen. It is better known by its brand name Lortab. Lortab was commonly prescribed to relieve moderate to moderately severe pain.

However, Lortab has been discontinued in the US. Any G036 pills a person might encounter might be very old, or counterfeit. Counterfeit pills are incredibly risky to abuse; fentanyl, carfentanil, and other harmful substances are often used as cutting agents.

What Is Hydrocodone?

Hydrocodone is an opioid that works by binding to opioid receptors in the brain and changing how a person perceives pain. It can be highly addictive, and it's classified as a Schedule II controlled substance in the United States due to its high potential for abuse.

Hydrocodone in the G036 pill binds to opioid receptors in the brain and spinal cord, reducing pain perception and relieving pain. Acetaminophen, on the other hand, helps enhance the pain-relieving effects of hydrocodone and also reduces fever.

The combination of hydrocodone and acetaminophen in the G036 tablet provides more effective pain relief than either component alone. It is commonly prescribed for short-term use after surgery, dental procedures, injuries, or for treating other painful conditions when over-the-counter pain medications are insufficient.

Opioid medications have a major potential for abuse and addiction, so you must use the G036 Lortab pill only as your doctor directs. Even long-term or misuse of Lortab can lead to serious health consequences, including respiratory depression, overdose, and dependency.

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Are There Any Side Effects of the G036 Pill?

The G036 pill or Lortab's common side effects may include the following:

Drowsiness or Dizziness

Lortab can lead to lethargy and impair cognitive function, affecting your ability to safely drive or operate heavy machinery.

Nausea and Vomiting

Some people may experience gastrointestinal disturbances, including nausea and vomiting, after taking the G036 pill. 


Lortab can cause constipation, and you should stay adequately hydrated and consume fiber-rich foods to help alleviate this side effect.

Dry Mouth

The G036 pill can cause a dry sensation in the mouth, which can be relieved by drinking water or using sugarless candies or gum.


Some people may feel lightheaded or faint when taking Lortab, especially when standing up quickly from a sitting or lying position.

Itching or Rash

Sometimes, Lortab may cause itching or a rash on the skin.

Difficulty Urinating

Hydrocodone in the G036 pills can affect the urinary system, leading to difficulty in urination or changes in urinary frequency.

Respiratory Depression

High doses of Lortab or in combination with other central nervous system depressants (like alcohol or benzodiazepines) can cause respiratory depression, which is a severe slowing of breathing that can be life-threatening.

Allergic Reactions

Although rare, some individuals may also get allergic reactions on interacting with the G036 pill. These allergies can cause lips, face, tongue, or throat swelling, itching or hives, or trouble breathing. Allergic reactions from Lortab require immediate medical attention.

How Does the G036 Pill React With Other Drugs?

Lortab can interact with other drugs, potentially leading to harmful effects or reducing the effectiveness of one or more medications. When taking the G036 pill, you must inform your healthcare provider about all your medications, including prescription, over-the-counter, supplements, and herbal products, to avoid potential drug interactions. 

Mentioned below are some notable drug interactions of Lortab:

Central Nervous System Depressants

The G036 pill, like other opioids, can cause central nervous system depression. When combined with other medications that have similar effects, such as benzodiazepines (e.g., Xanax, Valium) or sedative-hypnotics (e.g., Ambien, Lunesta), it can lead to increased drowsiness, respiratory depression, and even overdose. Combining these drugs should be done with caution and under the supervision of a healthcare professional.

Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOIs)

Taking Lortab while using MAOIs, a class of antidepressant drugs, can result in serious reactions, including high blood pressure, hyperthermia, seizures, and potentially life-threatening serotonin syndrome. Avoid taking G036 pills if you are on MAOIs or have used them within the past 14 days.

Anticholinergic Drugs

Combining G036 Lortab pills with anticholinergic medications, which treat certain conditions like allergies, gastrointestinal disorders, or respiratory issues, can lead to increased constipation and urinary retention.

Mixed Agonist/Antagonist Opioids

Taking other opioid medications or partial agonists while using the G036 pill can reduce its effectiveness or lead to withdrawal symptoms.

CYP450 Enzyme Inhibitors

Some drugs can interfere with the metabolism of hydrocodone in the liver, affecting its effectiveness or leading to an increased risk of side effects. These drugs include certain antidepressants (e.g., fluoxetine, paroxetine), antifungal medications (e.g., ketoconazole, itraconazole), and some antibiotics (e.g., erythromycin).


Combining Lortab with alcohol can increase the risk of central nervous system depression, respiratory issues, and liver damage.

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Can the G036 Pill Lead to Addiction?

Yes, Lortab can be addictive. The G036 pill contains hydrocodone, which is an opioid pain medication. Opioids have a high potential for abuse and addiction, especially when used for extended periods or in higher doses than prescribed. Unfortunately, with opioids, the risk of addiction is present even when taken as prescribed by your doctor.

Addiction to opiates like Lortab is troubling for several reasons, and understanding these issues is crucial for addressing the opioid epidemic and promoting public health. Let us go through some of the key reasons why opiate addiction is a significant concern in the US:

Health Risks

G036 pill addiction can have severe health consequences. Misuse and abuse of opioids can lead to respiratory depression, overdose, and even death. Long-term opioid use can also cause other health problems, including gastrointestinal issues, hormonal imbalances, and immune system suppression.

Dependency and Tolerance

Prolonged use of opiates can lead to physical dependence, where the body adapts to the drug's presence and requires it to function normally. Additionally, tolerance can develop, requiring higher doses over time to achieve the same pain relief, increasing the risk of overdose.

Social and Economic Impact

Opiate addiction can devastate individuals, families, and communities. It can lead to strained relationships, financial difficulties, loss of employment, and other social and economic challenges.

Drug-Seeking Behavior

When someone becomes addicted to opiates, obtaining and using the drug often becomes their primary focus, leading to drug-seeking behavior that can disrupt their daily life and responsibilities.

Criminal Activity

In some cases, individuals may resort to illegal activities to support their addiction, such as stealing or selling drugs, leading to legal problems and incarceration.

Overdose Epidemic

The misuse of prescription opioids has significantly increased overdose deaths in the US. Opioids can depress the central nervous system, leading to respiratory failure, which can be fatal.

Stigma and Barriers to Treatment

Despite being a treatable medical condition, addiction is often stigmatized, leading to individuals avoiding or delaying seeking help. The stigma can create barriers to accessing effective treatment and support services.

Addiction to opiates like the Lortab G036 pill can also potentially serve as a gateway to heroin abuse. While not everyone who becomes addicted to prescription opioids will transition to heroin use, there is a recognized pattern of progression from prescription opioid abuse to heroin use in some individuals.

G036 Pill: How Does Prescription Opioid Abuse Start?

Listed below are some factors that contribute to the connection between prescription opioids and heroin abuse:

Both prescription opioids, like Lortab and heroin, belong to the opioid drug class and have a similar chemical structure. They bind to the same receptors in the brain and produce similar pain-relieving and euphoric effects. When people develop a tolerance to prescription opioids or find it challenging to obtain them legally, they may seek more substantial alternatives like heroin to achieve a similar high.

The widespread availability and misuse of prescription opioids have contributed to the opioid epidemic. However, efforts to reduce prescription opioid availability and misuse have led some individuals to seek heroin as an alternative since it is more readily available through illicit markets.

In many cases, heroin is less expensive than prescription opioids, making it an appealing option for individuals struggling with addiction and facing financial challenges due to drug use.

The stigma associated with opioid addiction can create barriers to treatment and support. Some individuals may fear judgment or legal consequences, leading them to seek illicit drugs like heroin in secret.

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Can the G036 Pill Cause Withdrawal Symptoms?

Yes, Lortab can cause withdrawal symptoms if it is taken regularly for an extended period and then abruptly discontinued or if the dosage is significantly reduced. Withdrawal symptoms occur because the body becomes dependent on the opioid component (hydrocodone) in Lortab.

G036 pill withdrawal symptoms may include:

  • Anxiety

  • Restlessness

  • Muscle aches

  • Sweating

  • Yawning

  • Runny nose

  • Watery eyes

  • Nausea and vomiting

  • Diarrhea

  • Abdominal cramps

  • Dilated pupils

  • Insomnia

  • Goosebumps (piloerection)

  • Elevated heart rate (tachycardia)

The severity and duration of these withdrawal symptoms can vary depending on factors such as your level of dependence, the duration of Lortab use, the dosage taken, and your overall physical and mental health. Withdrawal from opioids can be uncomfortable and, in some cases, challenging to manage without medical assistance.

Is the G036 Pill Abuse Common Among Teenagers in the US?

According to a University of Michigan study, 1 in 8 high school seniors reported non-medical use of prescription opiates such as Lortab.

Teen Lortab abuse, like the misuse of other prescription opioids, has been a significant concern in the United States. While there has been progress in addressing the opioid epidemic, the misuse of prescription medications remains a problem, particularly among adolescents and young adults.

Following are some key points related to teen Lortab abuse in the US:


Prescription opioid abuse among teenagers has been a growing issue in recent years. According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), around 2.4% of adolescents aged 12 to 17 reported misusing prescription pain relievers in 2020.

Gateway Drug

For some teens, prescription opioids like the G036 pills can be a gateway to illicit drug use. And as we discussed above, misuse of prescription opioids increases the risk of transitioning to heroin or other illicit opioids, as they share similar effects and mechanisms of action.


Lortab pills can be easily accessible to teenagers, either through their own prescriptions, family members' prescriptions, or friends who share their medications.

Peer Influence

Peer pressure and the desire to fit in or experiment with drugs can lead some teens to misuse prescription opioids, including the G036 pill.

Mental Health Factors

Teens with untreated or undiagnosed mental health issues, such as depression or anxiety, may be more vulnerable to engaging in substance abuse, including Lortab misuse, as a way to self-medicate or cope with emotional pain.

Overdose Risk

The misuse of Lortab or any other opioid can lead to overdose, which is a serious and potentially life-threatening issue, especially for teens who may be less aware of the risks and signs of overdose.

Addressing teen Lortab abuse requires a comprehensive approach that includes prevention efforts, education on responsible opioid use for both healthcare providers and patients, increasing awareness about the risks of opioid misuse, and providing accessible treatment and support services for teenagers struggling with substance abuse.

Parents, educators, healthcare professionals, and the community must address teen G036 Lortab abuse by promoting healthy coping strategies, fostering open communication, and advocating for responsible prescription practices. 

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What Are the G036 Pill Abuse Treatment Options?

The treatment for Lortab abuse typically involves a combination of behavioral therapies, medications, and support services tailored to the individual's specific needs. Treatment aims to help individuals overcome addiction and develop strategies for preventing relapse. 

Opioid Drug Detox

Detoxification is typically the initial step in treating Lortab addiction. It entails monitoring and treatment of withdrawal symptoms in a controlled environment. Various behavioral therapies have also been proven to help treat G036 pill abuse.

Talk Therapy

CBT or cognitive-behavioral therapy, motivational interviewing, and contingency management are examples of evidence-based approaches used to address the psychological aspects of addiction, identify triggers for drug use, and help patients find new ways to cope with withdrawal. 

Medication-Assisted Treatment

For some individuals with severe opioid use disorders, medication-assisted treatment may be recommended. This involves using medications like buprenorphine or methadone to help manage cravings and withdrawal symptoms while working on behavioral changes. MAT can be an effective approach to support long-term recovery.

Don’t Risk an Opioid Overdose From a Fake G036 Pill! Talk to The Edge Treatment Center Today

The Edge Treatment Center offers specialized and evidence-based addiction care for Lortab abuse treatment. Focusing on individualized treatment plans, we provide tailored approaches to address each patient's unique challenges and goals in their journey to becoming a better self. Our facility is accredited and licensed, ensuring high-quality care and professional standards. We have experienced medical and mental health professionals who offer continuous support throughout recovery.

Additionally, our center fosters a supportive and welcoming environment, promoting healing and growth. With a commitment to aftercare and relapse prevention programs, The Edge Treatment Center equips you with the tools you need to maintain long-term sobriety.

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Written by

brian-mooreBrian Moore

Content Writer

Reviewed by

jeremy-arztJeremy Arzt

Chief Clinical Officer

Drug and Alcohol

Opioid Addiction

September 8, 2023