Drug and Alcohol - Addiction Recovery

Cannabis Addiction: The Truth (and What You Need to Know About It)

Cannabis Addiction: The Truth (and What You Need to Know About It)

“Wake and bake” describes cannabis addiction perfectly. Yes, it’s possible to get addicted to cannabis. Learn more in our blog!

Cannabis is a commonly used term for marijuana, which is a psychoactive drug from the cannabis plant. 

Approximately nine percent of regular marijuana users develop an addiction, per data from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA).

For individuals who begin using during their adolescence, the rate rises to almost 1 in 6. There is also evidence linking cannabis users to an increased risk of developing psychotic symptoms and disorders like schizophrenia. Cannabis addiction is also associated with an increased risk of car accidents and other unintentional injuries.

Although cannabis has been used for centuries, researchers have only recently started investigating its potential therapeutic effects. While some studies have shown that cannabis can be helpful for specific medical conditions, there is also evidence that it can be addictive and lead to harmful consequences.

While death from cannabis overdose is rare, it is possible. The FDA has reported several cases of people dying from cannabis-related causes, including heart attack and stroke, and regulates the use of it.

According to NIDA, about one in 10 people who use marijuana will become addicted.

Cannabis addiction is a real and growing problem. 

Let’s explore how to recognize the signs of cannabis addiction, and how to know if you or a loved one has developed it.

Cannabis Addiction: What Is It and How to Know If You Have It

Cannabis addiction is a real and serious problem. Just because cannabis is legal in some states does not mean it's not addictive. Alcohol is a legal drug, and yet its ability to cause addiction and a wide pattern of harmful social effects is well known. Cannabis addiction is on the rise as more states legalize the drug.

People who are addicted to marijuana may not be able to control their use, even though it's interfering with their daily lives. They may continue using it even when it causes problems at home, work, or school.

How do you know if you have a cannabis addiction? Look for these signs and symptoms:

  • You feel like you need to use cannabis every day or multiple times per day

  • You spend a lot of money on cannabis

  • You keep using cannabis despite knowing it is creating problems in your life, such as job loss or relationship difficulties

  • You put yourself in risky situations while high on cannabis, such as driving while intoxicated

  • You feel withdrawal symptoms when you try to quit using cannabis, such as irritability, anxiety, insomnia, and loss of appetite

  • You use more marijuana than they used to get the same effect

  • You fail to meet important obligations at work, school, or home because of their marijuana use

  • You use marijuana despite the problems it causes in their relationships

  • You give up hobbies or activities you once enjoyed, to use marijuana more

Now that you know the signs of cannabis addiction, it’s important to recognize them in a loved one or yourself. Also, consider talking to a doctor or mental health professional. They can help you figure out if you have an addiction and provide resources for treatment.

Cannabis addiction has a number of negative side effects on an individual's health and well-being. These side effects can range from mild to severe and can impact different areas of an individual's life. 

What Are the Side Effects of Cannabis Addiction?

Some of the most common side effects of cannabis addiction include:

  • Impaired memory and cognition

  • Difficulty concentrating

  • Decreased motivation

  • Problems with coordination and balance

  • Increased anxiety and paranoia

  • Hallucinations and delusions

  • Psychotic symptoms

Seek medical attention if you or your close one has a problem with cannabis addiction. With the help of professionals, addicts can beat their disease and lead productive lives again.

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Cannabis Addiction: Know How to Treat It

Cannabis addiction is a real phenomenon, and it's on the rise. With more and more states legalizing the drug, it's no wonder why people are falling into addiction. But just because cannabis is legal in some states, doesn't mean it's not addictive.

In fact, cannabis can be just as addictive as any other substance out there. We will explore the signs and symptoms of addiction, as well as how to go about quitting.

The Early Stages of Cannabis Addiction

The early stages of cannabis addiction can be difficult to identify. Cannabis addiction often starts slowly, with occasional use gradually increasing in frequency and quantity. For some people, this increase may happen quickly, while for others, it may take months or even years. However, there are certain warning signs that can indicate that someone is becoming addicted to cannabis.

Changes in social relationships are often the first telltale sign of cannabis addiction. Addicts will often start hanging out with new friends who also use cannabis, and they may begin to distance themselves from old friends who don't use it. This change in social behavior can be a result of the addict's need to be around others who support their habit, as well as the fact that using cannabis puts them in a different mental state which makes it difficult to relate to non-users.

Another early sign of addiction is a change in routine. Addicts will often start using cannabis more frequently and may use it at times or in places they wouldn't have before. This could mean using during the daytime, when they're normally at work or school, or using in larger quantities than before. Some addicts may even start skipping work or school altogether in order to get high.

If you notice any of these changes in yourself or someone you know, it's important to seek help as soon as possible. Cannabis addiction is a serious problem that can lead to other addictions and serious health problems if left untreated. There are many resources to find timely help for cannabis addiction. 

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Cannabis Addiction: The Quitting Process

The quitting process is never easy, but it is definitely possible with the right mindset and support system. Consider these points if you're determined to kick your cannabis habit for good:

  • Plan your exit strategy and decide on a quit date. Keeping to this schedule will keep you accountable and on track

  • Tell your friends and family about your decision to quit. They can be a great source of support during this difficult time

  • Avoid triggers that may make you want to use cannabis again. This could include certain people, places, or things associated with your former habit

  • Be patient with yourself. Do not give up if you have temporary setbacks when attempting to overcome an addiction

  • If you're drowning in this situation, it's time to get help. Counseling or therapy can help you through quitting by providing direction and support

Like other addictive substances, cannabis also has withdrawal symptoms. It’s another reason why getting professional addiction help is always a good idea.

Cannabis Addiction: Withdrawal Symptoms

Cannabis addiction withdrawal symptoms can be difficult to manage on your own. As a result, many people need professional help to get through the process.

Most people who try to quit smoking cannabis experience at least some level of drug withdrawal symptoms. These can include irritability, anxiety, insomnia, and depression. In some cases, people may also experience more serious symptoms like shaking or hallucinations.

Most people experience the worst of their withdrawal symptoms within the first few days after quitting, and then feel better over the next week or so. However, some people may continue to struggle with these symptoms for months or even years.

If you're trying to quit smoking cannabis, it's important to be prepared for the possibility of withdrawal symptoms. There are a number of ways to cope with these symptoms, including medication and counseling. With the right support, you can successfully find out how to overcome cannabis addiction and live a healthy and productive life.

Also, drug rehab can make for an easy withdrawal period.

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Do you need advice about cannabis addiction? Reach out today.

Challenges of Cannabis Addiction Recovery

The first challenge of cannabis addiction recovery is drug detox. This can be difficult because cannabis withdrawal symptoms can include anxiety, insomnia, and irritability.

The second challenge is addressing the problems that first gave rise to addiction. In many cases, addiction occurs along with a mental disorder. This is known as a dual diagnosis. Counseling or treatment during drug rehab can help treat these co-occurring conditions.

The third challenge is maintaining sobriety after detox and treatment. Addiction relapses are common, so it's important to have a solid support system in place.

Despite these challenges, overcoming cannabis addiction can be done.

Cannabis Addiction: How It’s Treated

It's crucial to know that there is help for cannabis addiction if you or someone you know needs it. Cannabinoid dependency treatment options, including detox and psychotherapy, will be discussed. Here, we'll debunk some common myths concerning cannabis dependency as well.

Treatment Options for Cannabis Addiction

A variety of approaches can help overcome the dependence on cannabis. Counseling, support groups, and medicine work together to create the best treatment plan.

Counseling can help identify the reasons behind the addiction and develop strategies to cope with triggers and cravings. Support groups provide peer support and can be a valuable source of information and motivation.

Medication can be used to manage withdrawal symptoms and cravings. It is essential to comply with a doctor or expert to determine which of the many available drugs is best for you.

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Would you like more information about cannabis addiction? Reach out today.

How to Find a Treatment Program

Cannabis addiction is a real and growing problem. It's no exaggeration to say that cannabis addiction is on the rise. Get help if you or your friend has a problem with cannabis dependence. Here are some suggestions for locating a suitable treatment center program:

  • Speak to your doctor. Your doctor can provide you with information on treatment options and resources in your area.

  • Call a helpline. There are many helplines available that can connect you with treatment programs and support services in your area.

  • Research online. Many websites offer information on treatment programs for cannabis addiction.

  • Reach out to a support group. Get in touch with some help system. People who are battling a cannabis addiction might find a lot of help from the many support groups. In addition, you can get local therapy choices and support from these groups.

What to Expect During Treatment for Cannabis Addiction

Cannabis addiction treatment generally consists of three main components: detoxification, rehabilitation, and aftercare.

Detoxification is the first and often most difficult step in treatment. During detox, patients must abstain from all cannabis use in order to allow their bodies and minds to readjust to functioning without the drug. This can be a difficult and sometimes painful process, but it is an essential part of treatment.

Rehabilitation is the second step in treatment and typically takes place in an inpatient or outpatient setting. Counselors and therapists help patients in rehabilitation determine what led to their addiction and teach them how to manage cravings and triggers.

As the ultimate phase of care, aftercare follows the completion of active treatment. Aftercare typically includes continued counseling, therapy, support groups, and other resources to help patients maintain their sobriety.

Aftercare and Relapse Prevention for Cannabis Addiction

Aftercare and relapse prevention are key components of successful cannabis addiction treatment. Aftercare typically includes individual or group counseling, support groups, and continued monitoring by a treatment provider. Relapse prevention strategies may include developing a support network, maintaining healthy lifestyle habits, and avoiding triggers that can lead to use.

Get Treated Today for Cannabis Addiction at The Edge Treatment Center

Cannabis addiction is a real thing, and it's something that you should take seriously. You can get help for a cannabis addiction if you or somebody you feel needs it. The best thing is that you are not alone in this fight and can get better.

With the right treatment and support, it is possible to overcome this addiction and live a healthy, happy life.

The Edge Treatment Center understands that human beings are fallible and that mistakes happen. If you're struggling with cannabis addiction, we want to help you recover and get your life back on track. Our attentive staff will work with you one-on-one to create a recovery plan that is tailored to your unique needs and goals. We know that everyone's journey is different, so we offer a variety of services and programs to suit your individual needs.

Our goal is to help you stop using cannabis and live a happy, healthy life. We understand that sometimes people need a little extra help to stop using cannabis. That's why we offer our human-assisted cannabis addiction recovery program. This program is designed to help those who are struggling with a cannabis addiction disorder get the help they need to recover.

We have a compassionate and caring group of caregivers who will work with you one-on-one to help you overcome your addiction. If you or someone you know is struggling with cannabis addiction, please don't hesitate to reach out to The Edge Treatment Center. We're here to help!

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If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, there is hope. Our team can guide you on your journey to recovery. Call us today.

Written by

brian-mooreBrian Moore

Content Writer

Reviewed by

jeremy-arztJeremy Arzt

Chief Clinical Officer

Drug and Alcohol

Addiction Recovery

December 7, 2022