Addiction Recovery - Relationships in Recovery

Can Rehab Keep My Adult Child in School?

Can Rehab Keep My Adult Child in School?

Rehab can help you balance your recovery while staying actively engaged in your academic career. Many of our clients continue their education with us!

Substance use disorder (SUD) is a disease that can manifest in anyone at any time, and those suffering from addiction may still have responsibilities and expectations that can be incredibly difficult to balance while getting treatment. Work, familial obligations, and school must all continue, but addiction can negatively impact one’s ability to tend to these responsibilities.

School can be the gateway to many new opportunities and careers, and rehab can help an individual stay in school, balance their academic stresses, and maintain a healthy, sober path to their future.

The Academic World and Addiction

Academia is more intricately linked to addictive substances than many may realize. Understanding how scholastics enable the use of addictive substances is crucial in creating an effective recovery plan for those still in school during their treatment and recovery process.

Continuing education is for people of all ages, and going back to get a GED, finish collegiate courses, degrees, or pursue additional certifications are all normal, even celebrated, practices. Whether someone goes back as an adult or moves directly from high school to a collegiate or vocational program, they can be exposed to addictive substances and academic stress.

Deadlines, projects, and even weekly homework assignments can all be incredibly stressful. The constant barrage of expectations, work, and more all carry a mental and emotional toll. It is common for people to need an escape from these stresses for their mental and emotional health.

Unfortunately, an individual may turn to destructive substances while searching for this escape. Alcohol and drugs can seem like a quick and easy way to temporarily escape one’s stresses, making them common among many student bodies. These substances are often fairly accessible, from the prevalence of alcohol on college campuses to the buying and selling of so-called “study drugs.”

Adderall specifically is incredibly common, notorious for its use when pulling all-nighters to work on assignments or prepare for midterms or finals, despite its negative repercussions.

How Rehab Can Help

Finding the right drug rehab program each individual is necessary to balance one’s recovery with their continued scholastic ambitions. Attending a treatment program is essential for learning to tackle the urges or cravings associated with addictive substances and managing one’s stresses, anxiety, or other facets of one’s responsibilities in academia.

Drug and alcohol rehab programs come in many forms, and it is possible to find programs that align with one’s class or school schedule. Outpatient rehab programs can be exceptionally effective as they may be available at various times throughout the day, making it possible to schedule one’s scholastics and recovery in a way that neither needs to be compromised.

If someone attends mostly morning classes, they may want to limit their search to afternoon or evening outpatient rehab programs, while someone attending evening classes may want to look into programs that meet in the morning. 

However, it is also possible that an individual may need a higher level of care and may benefit from receiving residential treatment. Attending a residential program doesn’t mean one’s academic prospects need to be overlooked; while some facilities offer unique opportunities such as ensuring transportation or hiring tutors, it is most common to utilize remote learning opportunities to continue one’s education while in residential addiction treatment.

Embrace Digital Learning

COVID-19 has caused a major shift toward effective digital learning spaces, and those balancing their recovery process with their education can benefit from utilizing this method. Digital learning, attending lectures via webcam, and other opportunities are all available to ensure that an individual can stay in school regardless of their situation.

A residential program can build time for studies and projects into one's schedule, ensuring that an individual has enough time to complete assignments while still under the guidance and support of caring, trained addiction recovery staff.

Balancing Scholastic Stresses

Not only is rehab possible for those pursuing higher education, but it is also essential. Attempting to make it through one’s schooling before addressing addiction can compromise one’s academic career and overall well-being. Addiction can cause an individual to reevaluate priorities, skip classes due to hangovers, or elect to use their time to engage with addictive substances rather than complete assignments. Left unaddressed, addiction can even cause legal ramifications with drastic effects on one’s life and scholastic career. Addiction can fundamentally compromise one’s academics, so rehab is critical for maintaining ones’ scholastic career.

Rehab provides a space for those in recovery to process their educational stresses and expectations as well as the support needed to ensure that an individual can stay in school and manage their time with academic goals in view.

Addiction treatment isn’t just a program to help cope with SUD — it is a safe space to process the stresses of life while maintaining one’s larger goals. Nobody has to choose between academics and rehab. Rather, rehab is a way for those looking to further their scholastic careers to maintain focus and work toward their goals without being compromised by the destructive effects of addiction. 

Rehab Is An Essential Part of the Addiction Recovery Process

It’s is designed to help you address your use of addictive substances and continue progressing toward your life goals along the way. The stresses of academia at any level are plentiful, but we at The Edge Treatment Center are prepared to curate a program around your unique needs and goals and work with you to balance your needs in recovery with your scholastic career.

For more information on how we can personalize your time with us, or to speak to a caring, trained staff member about your unique situation, contact us today.

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If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, there is hope. Our team can guide you on your journey to recovery. Call us today.

Written by

brian-mooreBrian Moore

Content Writer

Reviewed by

jeremy-arztJeremy Arzt

Chief Clinical Officer

Addiction Recovery

Relationships in Recovery

April 26, 2022