Dual Diagnosis
Can a Drug Rehab Address My Anxiety?

Dealing with anxiety is hard enough on its own. Combined with addiction, it’s even worse. Our drug rehab will treat your anxiety disorder.
Anxiety is the overall term for the many different anxiety disorders you may struggle with. This includes post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), social anxiety, and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).
Along with mental health conditions — such as anxiety — many people struggle with substance use disorder (SUD), which is called a co-occurring condition or dual diagnosis. It is important to acknowledge both during treatment.
This is a great way to ensure you can both complete the program, and enjoy a healthier life.
Different Forms of Anxiety
As explained above, anxiety is an umbrella term for different forms of anxiety that exist. Each form of anxiety can vary depending on each individual. For example, their triggers and some of their symptoms can look different.
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
This form of anxiety is chronic, long-lasting, and consists of constant obsessive behavior and thoughts. Someone with OCD feels the need to repeat their thoughts or actions over and over.
Some obsessions can include the constant fear of germs, taboo thoughts, aggressive or violent thoughts, or the need to always have things in order. Compulsions can include excessive handwashing or cleaning, counting, and checking to ensure that things are in order constantly.
This is different from someone just double-checking to make sure they locked the door once or twice. Someone with OCD will spend an hour or more thinking about something until it starts to have an impact on their productivity. This behavior is also occurring regularly.
Social Anxiety
Social anxiety disorder is more than just feeling shy when meeting someone new or being scared to deliver a speech in front of a large crowd. You may be struggling with social anxiety if this constant fear is something that has been happening for six months or more. It becomes worrisome when this fear takes over your life and makes it difficult to complete everyday tasks. The good news, it is treatable.
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
If you are constantly worrying about everyday things that you might not be able to control, then you could be dealing with a generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). This form of anxiety usually includes worrying about family, money, and health, along with other things that were brought on with no specific reason. Unfortunately, GAD could last for months or years if not treated.
Panic Disorder
This form of anxiety consists of constant panic attacks, which can affect your quality of life. Similar to GAD, panic disorder has no specific trigger. Having no specific trigger usually causes more stress to arise because you lack the understanding of how it began and when it will arise again.
Substance-Induced Anxiety
This form of anxiety comes from either taking a drug or not taking it, meaning it is brought on by substances. However, if you had anxiety before you started taking the substance then you wouldn't have a substance-induced anxiety disorder.
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
This form of anxiety specifically develops when someone has experienced a traumatic event in their life. This is different than just feeling slightly frightened after a scary event. Someone with PTSD will continue to have these feelings of anxiety. These symptoms can keep happening even when they are no longer in danger.
Specific Phobias
This is an intense fear of something that potentially poses no actual threat. This can be a fear of objects or a certain place. Some examples include animal phobias, situational phobias, and sexual phobias.
Anxiety Disorders: Who Is at Risk?
The risk for each anxiety disorder can vary based on the person and their life. There are some general risk factors to be aware of that can signal an anxiety disorder. For example, being exposed to traumatic life experiences at a young age and your genetics all play a role. If you have a family member who struggles with anxiety, then, unfortunately, you are at a higher risk.
What Can Treatment Look Like for Anxiety Disorders?
There are a few different ways that anxiety can be treated. The use of medications, therapy, or both is a great way to treat anxiety. For example, if you have experienced a traumatic experience in your life, it could be a cause of your anxiety. Starting with eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) could be great for you.
This is an evidence-based treatment that includes lights, sounds, and touch to help patients overcome their trauma. There are three main focuses of EMDR:
Learning new coping skills
Changing the memories of past traumatic experiences
Managing stress
One other form of therapy can include cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). This form of therapy involves changing the way you think, behave, and react to certain triggers.
The Edge Treatment Center Treats Anxiety Along with Addiction
Here at The Edge Treatment Center, we can help your anxiety in many ways. We proudly utilize EMDR. We understand the importance of mental health and the driving role it plays in substance abuse, and we make treating dual diagnosis a priority.
We also make it a priority to provide a sense of community among our staff and patients. You will be surrounded by others who understand what you're going through and that you can connect with. We have created group activities such as paddle boarding, exploring local California, and Halloween parties to ensure that you feel comfortable during this time.
The best place for you to start is to meet with our healthcare professionals and help you get diagnosed. This way, you will know which type of treatment will best suit you. Once you have met with a professional and received your diagnosis, we’ll work with you on a journey to a happier life.
Anxiety and addiction fuel each other. They’re also treatable. Get your dual diagnosis treated today at The Edge Treatment Center.

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If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, there is hope. Our team can guide you on your journey to recovery. Call us today.
Written by

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Reviewed by

Chief Clinical Officer
Dual Diagnosis
October 20, 2022