Mental Health
Am I Schizophrenic? Here's What You Need to Do If You Are

"Am I Schizophrenic?" It's a question that can be hard to ask. However, with the right help, schizophrenia is treatable.
Schizophrenia is one of the most devastating mental disorders there is. Causing a person to experience hallucinations, delusions, and more, this treatable mental disorder requires professional help to treat.
If you've ever asked yourself "Am I schizophrenic," you're not alone. While answering this question can be difficult due to the nature of this disease, there are some ways to gain insight into this condition.
Schizophrenia Can Be Treated With the Right Help
Before we dive into what you need to do if you think you might have schizophrenia, it's important to note that this condition can be treated with the right help. Many people with schizophrenia are able to manage their symptoms and live fulfilling lives with proper treatment.
Our schizophrenia treatment program is a mix of medication, therapy, and lifestyle changes. We'll help you find the best treatment plan for your specific needs.
Am I Schizophrenic? The Signs and Symptoms of Schizophrenia
If you're concerned that you may have schizophrenia, it's important to know the signs and symptoms of this disorder. While everyone experiences schizophrenia differently, some common symptoms include:
Delusions are false beliefs that are not based on reality. People with schizophrenia may have delusions that someone is out to harm them, or that they have special powers or abilities.
Hallucinations involve seeing, hearing, feeling or smelling things that aren't real. The most common type of hallucination in schizophrenia is hearing voices.
Disorganized Thinking and Speech
People with schizophrenia may experience disorganized thinking and speech, making it difficult for others to understand their thoughts and ideas.
Difficulty Concentrating
Schizophrenia can make it hard to focus and concentrate on tasks, leading to difficulty in school or work.
We can't diagnose you over the web, however. If you're worried about your mental health, it's important to reach out today for help.

We’re Here To Help You Find Your Way
Would you like more information about schizophrenia? Reach out today.
What Types of Schizophrenia Are There?
There are several types of schizophrenia, each characterized by different symptoms and severity. These include:
Catatonic Schizophrenia: People with this type of schizophrenia may experience unusual movements or postures, extreme agitation, or a lack of movement altogether.
Cenesthopathic Schizophrenia: This rare form of schizophrenia involves delusions related to bodily sensations or functions.
Hebephrenic Schizophrenia: This type is characterized by disorganized thoughts and behaviors, as well as flat or inappropriate emotions.
Paranoid Schizophrenia: Involves delusions and hallucinations that often revolve around being persecuted or harmed.
Residual Schizophrenia: This type is characterized by a past history of schizophrenia symptoms, but currently has few or no symptoms.
Schizoaffective Disorder: This condition is a mix of schizophrenia and mood disorder symptoms, such as depression or bipolar disorder.
Simple Schizophrenia: This type involves a gradual decline in functioning and social withdrawal, with fewer hallucinations or delusions.
Undifferentiated Schizophrenia: This type is characterized by symptoms that don't fit into any one specific category.
What to Do if You Think You May Have Schizophrenia
If you think you may have schizophrenia, it's important to seek help from a mental health professional. Self-diagnosis is not recommended, as only a trained professional can properly diagnose this disorder.
First, schedule an appointment with your primary care physician to discuss your concerns. They can refer you to a mental health specialist who can evaluate your symptoms and provide a proper diagnosis.
It's also important to reach out for support from friends and family during this time. Having a strong support system can make all the difference in managing schizophrenia.
Our effective schizophrenia treatment program will help you manage your symptoms and live a fulfilling life. Don't hesitate to reach out for help if you have any concerns about your mental health. Remember, you are not alone in this journey.

We’ll Lead You to New Heights
Do you have more questions about schizophrenia? Reach out.
How We Treat Schizophrenia
Schizophrenia is a very complex and serious mental disorder. Guided by a trauma-informed approach, our team of experienced professionals will work with you to develop an individualized treatment plan that addresses your specific needs and symptoms.
Our treatment program includes:
Medication management
We also offer lifestyle changes such as exercise, nutrition, and stress management techniques to help manage symptoms.
At The Edge, we believe in a holistic approach to treating schizophrenia, addressing not only the mental aspect but also the physical and emotional aspects. Our goal is to help our patients live fulfilling lives despite their diagnosis.
Dual Diagnosis
We specialize in dual diagnosis care. Schizophrenia often occurs with a substance abuse issue. We'll help you work through both issues, setting you up for a fulfilling and successful life.
Our mental health treatment center provides a robust alumni services program. It'll help you connect with resources, group sessions, and even regular fun outings. It'll help make sure that the work you do with us lasts a lifetime.
What if Schizophrenia Is Untreated?
Untreated schizophrenia can lead to severe consequences, including difficulty functioning in daily life, increased risk of suicide and self-harm, and potential for substance abuse.
In addition, untreated schizophrenia can also impact relationships with family and friends, work performance, and overall quality of life. Seeking help and receiving proper treatment can greatly improve these areas of your life.
It's important to seek treatment as soon as possible if you suspect you may have schizophrenia.

We’re Here To Help You Find Your Way
Do you need advice about schizophrenia? Reach out today.
We'll Help You Manage Your Symptoms
At The Edge, our experienced team is dedicated to helping individuals with schizophrenia manage their symptoms and live fulfilling lives. Guided by a trauma-informed approach, we offer a safe and supportive environment for you to heal and receive the care you need.
Treatment can greatly improve your symptoms and quality of life, allowing you to live a fulfilling and successful life despite your diagnosis. We'll help you live your best life. For more information, reach out to us today.

We’re Here To Help You Find Your Way
If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, there is hope. Our team can guide you on your journey to recovery. Call us today.
Written by

Content Writer
Reviewed by

Chief Clinical Officer
Mental Health
September 21, 2024
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, schizophrenia is treatable. However, it is a chronic condition and requires ongoing management and treatment to help manage symptoms.
Yes, medication can be helpful in managing symptoms of schizophrenia. However, not all medications work for everyone and it may take time to find the right medication or combination of medications that works for you.
Therapy can be an important part of treatment for schizophrenia. Psychotherapy can help individuals learn coping skills, manage stress, and develop a support system. Family therapy can also be beneficial in improving relationships and communication within the family.
Currently, there is no known cure for schizophrenia. However, with proper treatment and management, individuals with schizophrenia can lead fulfilling lives.
No, schizophrenia does not go away on its own. It requires ongoing treatment and management to help manage symptoms and improve quality of life.