Alcohol Self-Assessment Quiz: Am I an Alcoholic?

Are You An Alcoholic?

Am I an Alcoholic? if that's a question you've ever asked yourself, here's a quick self-assessment quiz to take. Alcoholism is treatable; learn how!

Although there are numerous factors associated with alcoholism that increase a person's health risks, many individuals continue to engage in alcohol abuse.

Overindulgence in alcohol can have detrimental effects on different body parts, organs, and body functions. The heart, digestive system, abdomen, central nervous system, kidneys, and other neurological functions are often impacted by excessive alcohol consumption. Alcohol abuse or drinking beyond safe limits can also put addicts at a higher risk of developing oral, tracheal, and esophageal cancer.

Women who engage in excessive alcohol consumption are also more susceptible to developing osteoarthritis and breast cancer compared to those who do not.  

Once someone develops an alcohol addiction, even when they wish to quit, they can face various health issues – known as alcohol withdrawal symptoms. When someone drinks excessively due to the continuous presence of alcohol in the bloodstream, the central nervous system becomes accustomed to its depressant effects on the body.

Consequently, when the concentration of alcohol is rapidly reduced, the brain is still in a state of hyper-excitement and energy, leading to the onset of withdrawal symptoms. Binge drinkers can experience various clinical signs and severity of alcohol withdrawal disorder. These symptoms can vary from mild insomnia to severe consequences such as delirium tremens, and in some cases where the situation is escalated, even death.

Therefore, speaking from a larger perspective, the negative health effects of alcohol are so many that alcoholism is a problem that needs to be addressed – especially among youth. In order to preserve future generations' health and well-being, authorities are already taking steps, but more intensive solutions need to be targeted. There are many rehabilitation centers established to do this.

However, it is tough for many people to accept that they have an alcohol addiction. They cannot identify the issue, and it is tough to face if and when they do. If you or a loved one are having trouble identifying whether you are just binging, drinking excessively, or an alcoholic, this short quiz may give you some important insights.

By the Numbers:

According to the National Center for Drug Abuse Statistics (NCDAS), 3,983 individuals under the age of 21 in the United States die each year due to excessive drinking, with 75.1% of them being male.

The Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT)

Created by the World Health Organization, the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) is designed to assess drinking habits and determine if someone drinks too much, has a drinking problem or may be at risk of developing a drinking disorder. Medical healthcare professionals commonly use it to evaluate patients. They can be used personally to decide if your problem is substantial enough to see a qualified professional for help. 

Take the test 10-question alcohol AUDIT assessment today to know to see whether you fall into the alcoholic criteria and require help. Answer each question honestly and keep adding your score as you go to be able to calculate your result at the end.

Question 1

How often does your drink have alcohol in it?

  • Never: 0 points

  • Once or less than a month: 1 point

  • 2-4 times in a month: 2 points

  • 2-3 times a week: 3 points

  • 4 or more times every week: 4 points

Question 2

When you drink on any given day, how many drinks with alcohol in them would you usually consume?

  • Up to 2 drinks: 0 points

  • 3 to 4 drinks: 1 point

  • 5 to 6 drinks: 2 points

  • 7 to 9 drinks: 3 points

  • 10 drinks or more: 4 points

Question 3

Is it common for you to have more than five drinks simultaneously? If yes, how often does this instance occur?

  • Never: 0 points

  • Less than a monthly basis: 1 point

  • At least once a month: 2 points

  • At least once every week: 3 points

  • Almost every day: 4 points

Question 4

During the past year, how many times have you observed yourself unable to stop while drinking?

  • Never: 0 points

  • Less than on a monthly basis: 1 point

  • At least once a month: 2 points

  • At least once every week: 3 points

  • Almost every day: 4 points

Question 5

During the past year, how many times have you been unable to do what you would do on a daily basis – due to drinking?

  • Never: 0 points

  • Less than on a monthly basis: 1 point

  • At least once a month: 2 points

  • At least once every week: 3 points

  • Almost every day: 4 points

Question 6

During the past year, how many times have you required a drink first thing in the morning to help you get going, after drinking too much the night before?

  • Never: 0 points

  • Less than on a monthly basis: 1 point

  • At least once a month: 2 points

  • At least once every week: 3 points

  • Almost every day: 4 points

Question 7

During the past year, how often have you felt guilt or remorse after drinking?

  • Never: 0 points

  • Less than on a monthly basis: 1 point

  • At least once a month: 2 points

  • At least once every week: 3 points

  • Almost every day: 4 points

Question 8

During the past year, how many times have you found yourself unable to recall the instances from the night before because you were drinking?

  • Never: 0 points

  • Less than on a monthly basis: 1 point

  • At least once a month: 2 points

  • At least once every week: 3 points

  • Almost every day: 4 points

Question 9

Has your drinking ever been a reason for an injury to yourself or someone else?

  • Never: 0 points

  • Yes, although it hasn't happened in the past year: 2 points

  • Yes, in the past year: 4 points

Question 10

Has anyone close to you shown you concern about your drinking habits, or recommended you cut down, see a professional, or find help? This could be friends, family, doctors, or other healthcare providers. 

  • Never: 0 points

  • Yes, although it hasn't happened in the past year: 2 points

  • Yes, in the past year: 4 points

Alcohol Self-Assessment Quiz Results 

Once you have your score ready, you can use the following result key to check whether or not you are at risk of an alcohol use disorder: 

Score: 0-7 Points

  • Result: Low chance of addiction

  • You don't seem to have a problem with drinking or at least drink in moderation. However, we're curious why you took this test. If you think you might have a problem, reach out to us today.

Score: 8-15 Points

  • Result: Moderate chance of addiction

  • You may be drinking a little more than you should occasionally. Although you may not have an addiction, you may be at a higher risk than others of developing one. Consider moderating your drinking, or stopping it entirely.

Score: 16-19 Points

  • Result: High chance of addiction

  • If you keep drinking the way you appear to be doing so, your health is definitely at risk. It can have harmful consequences on your health if it hasn't already. It is vital to stop drinking and ask a medical healthcare provider for help on how to do it safely. 

Score: 20 Points or Higher

  • Result: You are likely an alcoholic

  • If your score is above 20, chances are you have developed or are developing an addiction to alcohol. It would help if you spoke to a doctor or other healthcare provider to guide you on medical and therapeutic approaches to help you stop drinking. However, if you have become dependent on it, it is vital to only stop with the help of a professional. 

This test can help give a close idea of where you stand when it comes to drinking. However, results may vary concerning personal traits such as height, weight, age, medical history, etc. This makes it essential to refer a qualified doctor or healthcare professional to obtain an accurate evaluation.

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We’re Here To Help You Find Your Way

Would you like more information about your relationship with alcohol? Reach out today.

How Can I Tell If I Have an Alcohol Addiction?

Sometimes, people drink too much alcohol without realizing the harm it may cause their minds and body. This is known as alcohol misuse, which can soon progress into alcoholism. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), four drinks each day or 14 drinks each week for a man, or three drinks daily or seven drinks weekly, are considered alcohol misuse. However, it is tough for someone to identify and accept an addiction.

The Difference Between Binge Drinking & Alcoholism 

Alcoholism and binge drinking may appear similar, but several factors set them apart. Although both involve excessive drinking and a lack of control over drinking habits, two different issues can be distinguished. You can understand whether you have developed an addiction and are an alcoholic or just binge drinking; it is essential to understand the difference between the two.

What Is Binge Drinking?

According to the NIAAA, binge drinking occurs when one's blood alcohol content (BAC) reaches 0.08 percent (0.08 grams of alcohol per deciliter) or greater during a single drinking session. That means binge drinking is defined as having 80 milligrams of alcohol per milliliter of blood. Most states prohibit operating a motor vehicle with a BAC of 0.08 or higher.

So binge drinking is when someone consumes enough alcohol to raise their BAC to over 0.8 units. The question is how to determine how much alcohol intake is necessary to reach this level. Several factors can be involved in this calculation. Typically, experts determine binge drinking based on the number of standard drinks consumed by an individual in two hours or less.

What Is a Standard Drink?


A standard drink typically consists of 14gm of alcohol and can be found in various alcoholic beverages. For example:

  • 5oz. of white wine contains 14g of alcohol content

  • 12oz. of beer contains 14g of alcohol content

  • 1.5oz. of spirit-based drinks like rum, gin, whiskey, vodka, etc., also contain 14g of alcohol.

  • Therefore, binge drinking can be:

  • An adult male consuming five or more standard drinks in under two hours

  • An adult female consuming four or more drinks in under two hours

While these are the standard measurements for binge drinking, they are not absolute and can vary based on factors such as:

  • Age

  • Gender

  • Personal tolerance

  • Height & weight

For instance, a taller man may be able to consume more alcohol before reaching the blood alcohol concentration level classified as "binge drinking", as compared to a shorter man. It is important to remember that since binge drinking is often occasional, it is not considered alcoholism. So, even if you are binging, you may not be an alcoholic. 

What Is Alcoholism?

While binge drinking is determined by the number of standard drinks a person consumes in a specific period, alcoholism or alcohol use disorder (AUD) is a distinct condition. When someone develops an AUD, they cannot control their drinking habits, and their bodies gradually develop alcohol dependence. 

As a result, they may find it challenging to refuse a drink, and they will commonly continue to consume alcohol – even though the negative impacts it has on physical and mental health are visible. Alcoholism can be a difficult addiction to overcome without professional assistance. It can have far-reaching effects on different aspects of an addict's life, such as personal and professional goals, mental and physical health, and more.

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We’ll Lead You to New Heights

Do you have more questions about your relationship with alcohol? Reach out.

Did You Discover You Might Have a Problem with Alcohol? Here's How The Edge Treatment Center Helps

It is never too late to get assistance for someone you love or even for yourself. The Edge Treatment Center specializes in providing expert care for those struggling with alcohol use disorder (AUD). Our facility in Orange County offers personalized treatment plans that include rehab, therapy, medication, and mental health support. A detox program is designed to manage withdrawal symptoms while the body detoxifies from alcohol safely, and our rehab program helps patients address underlying issues and triggers. 

We offer therapy options such as CBT, DBT, and group therapy sessions to help patients build coping skills and a supportive network of peers. We also provide medication-assisted treatment to manage cravings and reduce the risk of relapse. Our team of experts prioritizes patient needs and provides a safe and supportive environment for those struggling with SUD.

Contact The Edge Treatment Center today to learn more about our alcohol abuse programs and more.

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We’re Here To Help You Find Your Way

If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, there is hope. Our team can guide you on your journey to recovery. Call us today.

Written by

brian-mooreBrian Moore

Content Writer

Reviewed by

jeremy-arztJeremy Arzt

Chief Clinical Officer

April 5, 2023