Relapse Prevention

6 Healthy Habits for Long-Term Sober Living


Managing a sober lifestyle doesn’t have to be complicated. With skills and habits, it can become a breeze. The Edge can guide you through sober living

On the journey to recovery, getting there is the easy part. It may have seemed like the biggest hurdle you’ve ever overcome, and it very well might be. However, challenges can start to arise once you begin to manage and live a sober life. 

During your addiction treatment and the process you’ve been through so far, you’ve developed many skills to take on this newfound life with confidence. Developing healthy habits on top of these skills can help make your transition into living a sober lifestyle even more manageable. 

#1. Practice Meditation 

If you’ve been through treatment of any kind, you know the importance and benefit of mindfulness. Being mindful of your emotions, thoughts, and surroundings allows you to have a greater depth of understanding and make better choices. One of the easiest ways to practice mindfulness is through regular meditation. 

There are many forms of meditation you can try out. Even activities like yoga and deep breathing can be cathartic and give you more awareness. Another benefit of meditation is you don’t have to be overtly spiritual to reap the rewards. Being more aware of who you are, how you feel, and how you think will benefit you regardless of your beliefs.  

#2. Attend Support Groups 

Having a support system and social group is key to your journey in recovery. The people you surround yourself with can help you when it comes to maintaining and managing your sobriety. Find support groups, meetings, or others who have been in your shoes. 

These like-minded individuals will allow you to share your struggles to ears that genuinely understand. They won’t overlook or make light of your situation. Even better, you can do the same for them. 

#3. Exercise Regularly 

One of the keys to managing stress and emotions is regular exercise. Exercise and mindfulness are both similar and completely different at the same time. With mindfulness, you go inward to recognize issues and remove stress. With activity, you remove stressors through your body in the external world. That being said, both require you to understand yourself and your body. 

We’ve all heard of those replacing an addiction with exercise. If you feel you may be more susceptible to something like this, we recommend taking it easy. Starting with three days a week at the gym is a great place to begin your journey of regularly exercising. 

#4. Eat Healthily 

Once you begin exercising, you may end up eating more healthily as a result. It makes sense; both these activities go hand in hand. Whether you’re exercising or not, eating healthily is one of the cornerstones of a sound mind and body.  

What you put into your body affects what you put out, literally and figuratively. Healthy food will create healthy thoughts, which will create healthy behaviors and healthy beliefs. Yes, a salad is that powerful! 

With all your new habits, start small and implement changes over time. Start reducing sugars or processed foods. Alternatively, try adding better foods instead of subtracting. There are great sources online you can find to start making healthy food choices.  

#5. Find New Hobbies 

After obtaining sobriety, one of the issues you may face is the dreaded, “What do I do now?” This question can emit feelings of excitement, boredom, and panic. You may be excited about all the new choices you have before you or in a complete fuss about all the options.  

Now, the world is truly your oyster. Find something that truly speaks to you and lets you express yourself. It doesn’t have to be art-related either. Express yourself through movement or even mechanically through cars.  

Consider finding a hobby with a social group as well. Having others around you with shared interests will allow you to find like-minded individuals and create meaningful memories. 

#6. Stay Grounded With a Routine 

Not all of us benefit from a strict routine. That being said, a little bit of structure can go a long way. When you’re out of treatment, returning to the status quo can be jarring. You may miss the routine and structure of a clinical setting. The good news is you can replicate some of this in your own life to varying degrees. 

Having a consistent wake-up time and bedtime will give your life a sense of groundedness and ease. Keeping a to-do list of varying degrees will help you stay organized and on top of the little things in life. You don’t have to go overboard and thoroughly plan your days and life. A calendar may be the perfect start! 

Managing the daily life of sobriety is where the real challenge begins. The road to recovery is filled with trials, tribulations, and lessons to be learned. Once you reach your goal, everything you’ve been through will be put to the test. The Edge Treatment Center is here to help regardless of which part of your journey you’re in. 

The Edge Treatment Center believes life after and during treatment should be filled with excitement, joy, and meaningful relationships. If you or a loved one would like more information on how to start making healthy lifestyle habits or incredible changes, call us today for more details.

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We’re Here To Help You Find Your Way

If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, there is hope. Our team can guide you on your journey to recovery. Call us today.

Written by

brian-mooreBrian Moore

Content Writer

Reviewed by

jeremy-arztJeremy Arzt

Chief Clinical Officer

Relapse Prevention

January 13, 2022