Sobriety - Drug and Alcohol

4 Signs Sober Homes Are Right For You

Is Sober Living The Right Choice For Me

Sober living homes provide a safe space to put your recovery first while integrating into everyday life without substances.

After finishing inpatient treatment, a residential drug rehab program, or while attending an outpatient program, many people choose to live in a sober living home. Sober living homes, also known as recovery housing, a recovery house, or independent living, provide a controlled living environment for individuals who are recovering from drug or alcohol addiction. 

Different sober living homes offer different levels of support and care. For example, some sober livings provide intensive support with rigid requirements for everyone who lives there. However, other sober livings are less intensive and only guarantee that other residents will remain sober and that there will be no drugs and alcohol on the premises.

Sober living is an excellent option for people in recovery who have a solid foundation based on medical and psychotherapeutic care and an idea of the direction they would like to head next in recovery and life.

However, sober living is not a treatment for addiction nor a forever solution to housing post-treatment. Answering the question, “Is sober living right for me?” can help individuals determine what their next step in recovery will be. 

Signs That Sober Living Is Right for You

Signs that sober living is right for an individual include: 

#1. You Have Completed Inpatient Treatment

Many people choose to live in sober living after they have completed inpatient addiction treatment. While this is not a requirement for many sober livings, these types of homes are excellent transitions from residential treatment to the “real world.” They also provide a safe place to live while an individual completes outpatient treatment. 

Completing treatment is a significant accomplishment but can also be frightening at times. Someone may not know what they want to do after treatment or have a safe place to stay. Some people may only have a home where others are using drugs or alcohol, or some people may not have a home at all.

Sober living homes offer a safe place for individuals to get the support they need while also doing what it takes to become independent, like finding a job or going back to school. 

#2. You Don’t Want to Be Limited by Time

Imagine an individual who has entered a treatment facility and is making significant strides toward sobriety. However, they can hear a ticking clock in their head, counting down the days, hours, and minutes until they have to leave. Many people can only stay at treatment centers for a certain amount of time. It makes no difference whether they feel assured at the end of their stay.

Although this guideline is well-intentioned, some individuals may find that it puts undue stress on their treatment and recovery progress.

On the other hand, the length of stay in a sober living home is determined by the individual. The goal is to gradually return to normalcy and independence, not rush. Regardless of how long it takes, those in recovery want to get it correctly the first time and can typically get more time in a sober living situation if they need or want it.

#3. You Need a Support System

Sometimes, recovery means moving on from acquaintances, friends, and even family who aren’t supportive of an individual's recovery. These people may struggle with addiction themselves or not see the point of the individual participating in their recovery. While doing so may be necessary, moving on from people who an individual loves can be challenging. 

Sober living communities provide individuals with a new source of assistance. Staff and counselors are available to teach, coach, and support them on their journey to recovery. Additionally, the friends that individuals develop in a sober living community are essential. Friendships formed in sobriety can be deep and last a lifetime.  In sober living, individuals have the opportunity to be surrounded by people who are also in recovery. These people may be the individual's biggest cheerleaders and can empathize with them more closely about addiction and recovery. On a bad day when someone needs advice, there is a housemate right there who might have the answer.

The people met in sober living can be the basis of creating a support system outside of treatment. 

#4. You Are Committed to Staying Sober

Some individuals may be intimidated by the prospect of dealing with their addiction on their own, even when they are fully devoted to staying sober. The two emotions do not have to be mutually exclusive. If an individual is committed to staying sober but worries about remaining abstinent outside of treatment, sober living may be their best option. 

You’ve Decided to Go to Sober Living; Now What?

If an individual has decided sober living is the best option for them and their recovery, the next step is finding a sober living home that fits their needs. Some questions individuals may consider asking when looking for sober living include:

  • How many residents stay in the house at one time? 

  • Are there requirements to attend a certain number of 12-Step meetings or therapy sessions or to remain actively engaged with any level of addiction or mental health treatment?

  • What is the process for dealing with any conflicts between residents or requests that residents may have?

  • What are the rules for visitors?

  • Is it mandatory to get or have a job, go to school, or move closer to independent living?

  • How long is the average stay for residents at this sober living home?

  • What is the process for determining when it’s time to move on?

Sober Living Homes Are A Perfect Option For Those In Outpatient Treatment

Sober living homes are great options for people who have finished inpatient treatment or are currently undergoing outpatient treatment. Sober living provides a safe space for you to keep recovery your priority while also integrating back into everyday life without the use of substances.

At The Edge Treatment Center, our outpatient addiction treatment program uses evidence-based practices to free people from addiction. We also partner with some of the finest sober home providers in Orange County. Call us today at (800) 778-1772 to learn more.

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Written by

brian-mooreBrian Moore

Content Writer

Reviewed by

jeremy-arztJeremy Arzt

Chief Clinical Officer


Drug and Alcohol

March 1, 2022