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Drug Detox Centers Near Roseville, CA

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Drug Detox Centers Near Roseville, CA

Drug Abuse Statistics state that 2.31% of deaths in California occur from a drug overdose.

Substance abuse has affected the entire nation, and Roseville in Placer County is no different. Roseville is situated in the metropolitan area of Sacramento and is the most populated city of Placer County. Though Roseville remains famous for its beautiful parks, public areas, and open spaces, the residents enjoy an exceptionally well-maintained district. Unfortunately, lately, it is being put on the map for the wrong reasons.

Recent data depicts Placer County as one of the top places in America for deaths due to drug overdoses. Opioid drugs are the primary choice of drug abuse in Roseville. Drugs like methadone, hydrocodone, and heroin are common, but prescription painkillers are also often abused. The council has formed a special team to target drug dealers and users of illicit substances that would cease drug trading in Roseville. Over 300 drug-related arrests have already been reported, and law enforcement is trying its best to eradicate Roseville's abuse and addiction problem.

If you’re looking for a drug detox center near Roseville, read on.

Delving Into Drug Detox Centers Near Roseville

Roseville is a larger city in Placer County, so it is most evident that the number of drug abusers is more in this city in comparison with other cities in the county. Apart from enforcing the law to stop drug abuse, the government has also introduced programs to educate adolescents and parents against the misuse of drugs in Roseville. The journey from experimenting to depending on drugs is rapid and requires early intervention.

There are also plenty of drug detox centers near Roseville that can help adults, adolescents, and their families battle addiction. There are many types of drug detox center around Roseville. They include: 

  • Inpatient Drug Detox Center: This drug detox center allows people to live in it during drug detox. It offers an intensive structure, and for close monitoring of withdrawal symptoms.

  • Outpatient Drug Detox Center: This drug detox center allows patients to detox on an outpatient level. It’s best suited for people with less-intense addictions, however.

What Is Drug Detox?

Often known as drug detoxification, drug detox is a procedure of removing a chemical from a person's body. If a person is addicted to pills, alcohol, or illicit drugs, the first step to recovery is drug detox. It allows a person to approach the rest of their recovery with a clear head.

Drug detox is always best done at a professional drug detox center. Here, the process is both easier and more likely to succeed. Methods such as detox kits, rapid detox, and the cold turkey approach should always be avoided.

Cold turkey involves stopping the substance abruptly and can be hazardous. Addiction experts caution against the cold turkey technique. Substances that are dangerous to stop abruptly include alcohol, opioids like fentanyl, heroin, and oxycontin (oxycodone), benzodiazepines like Valium (diazepam) and Xanax (alprazolam), and alcohol.

Instead, addiction professionals at drug detox centers take an approach known as tapering. First, the patient has to taper or gradually wean off the substance while detoxing. Doctors at a drug detox center will not prescribe heroin or alcohol to help you wean off them. Instead, to alleviate withdrawal symptoms, you will be given prescription drugs that act in the body similarly to heroin or alcohol. Your doctors will then gradually wean you off the medications.

The taper period varies according to how long you've taken the drug and how much you've taken. You should expect to reduce your dose over several weeks or even months gradually.

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How Long Does Drug Detox Last?

There is no set time frame for how long a drug detox would last because different drugs have different withdrawal symptoms that manifest at different times after discontinuing use.

The drug consumed, the period of consumption, and the patient's tolerance level to withdrawal symptoms all influence the duration of drug detox. As a result, some people at a drug detox center may require more time to deal with withdrawal symptoms than others.

What Happens During Drug Detox?

Regardless of their personalized detox plan, an individual goes through some basic steps during detox. Every drug detox center follows three basic steps, which are as follows:

  • Assessment or Evaluation: During this step, the patient's medical and psychological histories are investigated, and tests are performed to determine the drug levels in their bloodstream. This is required to assess the severity of the addiction so that medical professionals can devise a treatment plan and begin with medication.

  • Stabilization: During this stage, the patient is introduced to various treatment options and begins taking medication to alleviate withdrawal symptoms. Multiple therapies are also suggested to familiarize and stabilize the patient with the treatment procedures.

  • Patient Intake: This is the final step in the treatment process, and aftercare begins to prevent relapse.

The following withdrawal effects may occur during detox:

  • Muscular pain

  • Vomiting

  • Poor concentration

  • Hypertension (high blood pressure)

  • Depression

  • Rapid heartbeat 

  • Uncontrollable shaking 

  • Sweating 

  • Mood swings 

  • Anxiety

  • Sleeplessness

After the withdrawal symptoms are under control at a drug detox center, the patient gradually takes off the medication to alleviate them. This is accomplished by gradually reducing the medication's dosage and weaning the patient off it under clinical experts' supervision.

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How to Choose Drug Detox in Roseville

When dealing with a serious issue like drug addiction, narrowing down to one drug detox center or program from a list of options can be difficult. However, always try to choose a drug detox center that provides treatment and mental and emotional support to the patient's family. Addiction treatment involves physical and emotional distress for the patient, and they must be constantly encouraged not to give up or lose hope.

While an online search will provide you with a wealth of information, visiting the center will provide you with hands-on experience. To gain clarity, speaking with the person in charge at the detox center office is always advisable.

Also, Google the words “drug detox center near Roseville,” “detox center near me,” or “drug detox near me” to find a suitable drug detox center. Finally, contact a drug rehab. Their staff is always happy to help you start your journey to recovery.

Can I Afford a Drug Detox in Roseville?

The cost of drug detox in Roseville may vary from time to time, depending on the patient's individual needs. Some drug detox centers near Roseville provide drug detox programs at a low cost but do not provide the option of a customized plan. In contrast, other drug detox centers with a more specialized treatment facility may be more expensive.

The cost of treatment at a drug detox center near Roseville is determined by the type of treatment chosen. Aside from that, some centers provide many luxury amenities for residential patients, which are more expensive than a standard detox treatment center. Most government-sponsored rehabs have highly subsidized treatment programs, and you can check your eligibility for payment assistance for your treatment before choosing one.

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Does Insurance Cover Drug Detox in Roseville?

Because several factors determine insurance coverage, it is difficult to say whether your health insurance will immediately cover the cost of your drug detox. Insurance coverage is determined by whether the treatment is received at a facility in your insurance company's network and whether the substance abuse disorder is being treated. Your insurance company may not cover the cost of treating an addiction disorder caused by a specific type of drug. It is always a good idea to contact your insurance company to learn more about these factors to know whether they will cover your treatment entirely, partially, or not.

The location of the treatment center can also influence whether your insurance company will cover the cost of treatment. Some insurance companies may refuse to cover treatment at a specific location, while others may refuse to pay for a drug detox program.

What Happens After Drug Detox?

Following drug detox, patients are directed toward therapy, counseling, and support groups to maintain sobriety and avoid relapse. Patients are also taught coping mechanisms to help them control their drug cravings. Withdrawal symptoms such as agitation, abdominal cramps, depression, and vomiting are typical immediately following detox. Medication prescribed to treat withdrawal symptoms is gradually reduced or tapered off so the patient can eventually return to living a normal life without entirely relying on medical treatment. A few side effects of a drug detox kit can be diarrhea, delirium, agitation, and abdominal cramping.

Drug rehab should always follow a stay at a drug detox center near Roseville. As important as drug detox is, it is only the first stage of recovery. Inpatient drug rehab or outpatient drug rehab will build on the success of drug detox.

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Drug Detox Center Near Roseville

When looking for the best Roseville drug detox centers, it is always prudent to consider the cost. Many treatment facilities exist that offer extensive treatment options but are priced prohibitively. They cater more to the clientele that can afford to vacation in exotic places without fearing a financial breakdown.

A few drug treatment facilities offer a much more reasonable cost for drug detox therapy that is in many ways not only comparable but also superior to the uber-expensive options available. The price of drug detox treatment isn't always what one must consider. Look for reviews and success rates where available.

Finally, if you’re looking for a drug detox center near Roseville, contact The Edge Treatment Center today. Our team will gladly help you find a trustworthy, effective drug detox center. Once you’re ready to begin treatment at our outpatient drug rehab, you’ll enter our community of care.

Offering state-of-the-art rehab programs, a professionally trained team of rehab experts, and an emphasis on evidence-based treatments, The Edge Treatment Center offers holistic outpatient addiction treatment programs for individuals struggling with substance abuse or drug addiction. Expect licensed clinicians and 24/7 support for recovering addicts and families who want to participate in the addiction recovery process.

To learn more about finding a drug detox center near Roseville, contact The Edge Treatment Center today.

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