Drug and Alcohol

EtOH Withdrawal: What to Expect From EtOH Withdrawal Symptoms

What to Expect From EtOH Withdrawal Symptoms

What is EtOH withdrawal? Withdrawing from alcohol can be a very complex (and dangerous) process, but with professional help it's much easier.

Alcohol, an all-too-commonly used substance, has many detrimental effects on both body and mind. Individuals who have become dependent on alcohol can find the journey toward sobriety challenging and full of obstacles, one significant challenge being EtOH withdrawal syndrome.

EtOH withdrawal syndrome is a complex condition with both physical and psychological symptoms that vary in intensity, making treatment challenging to navigate alone. This blog post will introduce EtOH withdrawal syndrome by providing insight into its common symptoms, stages, medical treatments, holistic approaches, self-care strategies, and the importance of seeking support during this challenging transition period.

Understanding EtOH withdrawal syndrome and available remedies is vital for a successful recovery. Let's dive deeper into EtOH withdrawal syndrome and identify effective strategies for navigating its challenging yet ultimately transformative journey.

What Is EtOH?

EtOH is the chemical abbreviation for alcohol, possibly the most commonly abused drug on the planet. EtOH stands for ethanol, a colorless, clear liquid used as a beverage, solvent, and fuel.

Ethanol is made by fermenting sugars with yeast or bacteria. During the fermentation process, yeast breaks down molecules of sugar and turns them into ethanol.

What Is EtOH Withdrawal Syndrome?

EtOH withdrawal syndrome, or alcohol withdrawal syndrome, refers to symptoms experienced when those dependent on alcohol abruptly cease or significantly reduce their consumption. Over time, prolonged and heavy alcohol use alters brain chemistry leading to physical and psychological dependence; when suddenly removed, however, withdrawal symptoms often follow as part of an adjustment period for the body.

EtOH withdrawal symptoms stem from your body's attempt to find equilibrium and function again without alcohol use. Chronic alcohol consumption suppresses your central nervous system, but when alcohol use ceases suddenly, it causes this system to be hyperactive, leading to symptoms associated with withdrawal syndrome.

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What Are EtOH Withdrawal Symptoms?

ETOH withdrawal symptoms manifest through various physical, emotional, and psychological symptoms that vary in intensity depending on factors like duration and quantity of alcohol consumption, individual tolerance levels, and overall health status.

Physical EtOH Withdrawal Symptoms

Tremors, sweating, an increased heart rate and blood pressure level, nausea, vomiting, and headaches. 

Mental EtOH Withdrawal Symptoms

Anxiety, restlessness, irritability, mood swings, insomnia, and concentration memory difficulties. Individuals experiencing withdrawal may even experience hallucinations, seizures, delirium tremens characterized by confusion, agitation, and potential cardiovascular complications that can have deadly results.

What Causes EtOH Withdrawal?

Alcohol works by slowing down the way the brain and nervous system work. When a person drinks over time, especially heavily, their body gets used to the presence of EtOH in their system. This makes the brain and body work harder to make sure the nerves are able to communicate.

When a person stops drinking (especially if they do it suddenly), their body gets thrown into shock. This creates EtOH withdrawal symptoms as the body attempts to rebalance itself.

Binge Drinking and EtOH Withdrawal

Binge drinking is a dangerous practice and one of the most common forms of alcohol abuse. It involves drinking a large quantity of alcohol in a relatively short period of time. For men, binge drinking is drinking five or more drinks in a two-hour period. For women, it's having four or more drinks in a two-hour period.

Long-term heavy drinking will also cause a person to experience EtOH withdrawal when they stop drinking.

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Do People Need Medical Help for EtOH Withdrawal Symptoms?

EtOH withdrawal syndrome is unpredictable, and its symptoms can range from mild to severe, making treatment essential for a safe withdrawal journey. Medical assistance should always be sought before beginning alcohol withdrawal in severe cases; doing so is also key for a smooth withdrawal journey.

Medical professionals can assess an individual's withdrawal symptoms, monitor vital signs, and offer appropriate interventions to manage and relieve discomfort. Medication such as benzodiazepines may also be prescribed to alleviate withdrawal symptoms and avoid complications. Medical supervision allows for identifying and treating potential medical or psychiatric issues during withdrawal.

At the same time as medical care, emotional support from professionals, therapists, and support groups is also essential in successfully managing EtOH withdrawal and building long-term recovery. They can offer guidance, understanding, and encouragement - helping individuals navigate their challenges while creating a foundation for future recovery.

Individuals can approach this process with more confidence and preparedness by understanding the nature and causes of EtOH withdrawal syndrome and accepting medical attention and support services as necessary during withdrawal.

Common Symptoms of EtOH Withdrawal

Most people experience at least a few of these symptoms of EtOH withdrawal:


An involuntary shaking sensation typically felt in the hands during ETOH withdrawal may increase with increased anxiety or stress levels. Tremors may worsen over time.


Excessive sweating in relaxed environments can be a telltale sign of ETOH withdrawal due to changes in the autonomic nervous system.

Increased Heart Rate and Blood Pressure

Withdrawal can activate the sympathetic nervous system to a great degree, leading to rapid heart rate and elevated blood pressure levels.

Nausea and Vomiting

Gastrointestinal distress is often experienced during ETOH withdrawal, resulting in nausea and vomiting as your body adjusts to life without alcohol.


Headaches are one of the more frequently reported withdrawal symptoms from ETOH use. Their severity ranges from mild to severe and may include light sensitivity or throbbing sensations.

Anxiety and Restlessness

Feelings of anxiety, restlessness, and irritability are common emotional symptoms during withdrawal from alcohol. Without alcohol present to maintain balance in neurotransmitter levels in the brain, leading to intensified emotional reactions leading to feelings of anxiety, restlessness, or irritability.

Insomnia and Disturbed Sleep Patterns

When withdrawing from alcohol use, sleep disturbances like difficulty falling asleep, frequent awakenings, vivid dreams, and difficulty getting back to sleep are commonplace. These disruptions are attributable to changes in your circadian cycle, affecting how often sleep occurs each night and day.

Depression and Mood Swings

EtOH withdrawal may trigger depressive symptoms such as low mood, decreased interest levels, and helplessness. Furthermore, mood swings or emotional instability may occur.

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What Causes EtOH Withdrawal Syndrome? 

When drinking frequently and in large quantities, their body adapts to its presence and eventually relies on it for its proper functioning - when its withdrawal or reduction suddenly occurs; however, their body goes into shock, leading to withdrawal symptoms that eventually resolve themselves over time.

At its core, EtOH withdrawal syndrome involves two neurotransmitters: Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and glutamate. Alcohol increases GABA's inhibitory properties to induce relaxation and sedation; over time, the brain adapts to this increased GABA activity, and production decreases, creating an imbalance when alcohol is no longer present.

At the same time, alcohol suppresses glutamate's excitatory processes; when removed, glutamate activity will increase, leading to overstimulation and withdrawal symptoms.

The severity of EtOH withdrawal syndrome depends on factors like the duration and intensity of alcohol consumption, individual physiology, and past experiences with withdrawal. Therefore, medical supervision and support must be sought during this period to safely manage withdrawal symptoms while decreasing complications-related risks.

Understanding the Stages of EtOH Withdrawal

Although every person’s experience with EtOH withdrawal is going to be different, most people pass through three distinct stages.

Mild Withdrawal

The initial stage of ETOH withdrawal typically consists of mild to moderate symptoms. These usually appear within 6-12 hours after your last drink and include tremors, sweating, anxiety, insomnia, nausea, and irritability - while uncomfortable, these symptoms tend to be manageable and do not present immediate medical risks.

Hallucinations and Seizures

The second phase is marked by hallucinations and seizures, typically within 12 to 48 hours after drinking has stopped. Visual hallucinations often accompany alcohol use; auditory, tactile, and even convulsions may also occur; seizures range from brief episodes to more severe convulsions. Medical attention is essential during this stage to ensure patient safety and prevent complications.

Delirium Tremens (DT)

Delirium Tremens is the third and most severe stage of EtOH withdrawal. DT typically appears 48 to 72 hours post-last drink, although it can sometimes appear later. It manifests through severe confusion, disorientation, hallucinations, extreme agitation, and cardiovascular instability - making DT a medical emergency that requires immediate professional assistance to mitigate symptoms.

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EtOH Withdrawal: How Long Does EtOH Withdrawal Last?

The progression and duration of each stage of EtOH withdrawal may differ for individuals. On average, mild withdrawal symptoms typically last 24 to 72 hours before hallucinations and seizures begin, typically peaking within 48 hours and subsiding gradually over the following days. Delirium Tremens considered the most severe stage, typically lasts several days to over a week.

Keep in mind all of these stages depend on various factors like overall health status, alcohol use history, and individual differences among others, as well as the timing/severity of each stage.

EtOH Withdrawal: Importance of Medical Supervision

Medical supervision during alcohol withdrawal is paramount to ensure the safety and well-being of individuals undergoing this process. Medical professionals possess the experience needed to assess and monitor symptoms accurately and provide appropriate interventions when necessary. They can prescribe medications to alleviate discomfort, manage complications, and ward off potentially life-threatening situations such as delirium tremens.

Medical supervision provides emotional support and reassurance during this challenging time, helping individuals feel secure and cared for during this crucial phase. Seeking professional medical guidance will ensure a safe withdrawal transition and a compelling recovery journey.

Holistic Approaches for ErOH Withdrawal

Alternative and complementary therapies are invaluable assets during ETOH withdrawal. These approaches address the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of recovery.

For example:


An ancient Chinese practice, acupuncture involves inserting thin needles into specific points on the body to promote balance and reduce withdrawal symptoms such as anxiety, insomnia, and cravings.

Meditation and Mindfulness

Engaging in mindfulness practices such as meditation can help individuals establish an inner sense of peace, reduce stress levels, increase self-awareness, support emotional regulation, and provide healthy coping mechanisms during withdrawal.

Yoga and Tai Chi

Doing gentle physical activities such as yoga or tai chi can provide great ways to unwind, improve sleep quality, and enhance overall well-being. These practices combine movement, breathing exercises, and mindfulness meditation techniques to reduce anxiety while creating a sense of grounding and relieving feelings of helplessness and isolation.

EtOH Withdrawal: The Benefits of Nutritional Support, Exercise, and Relaxation Techniques During EtOH Withdrawal

Nutritional support, exercise, and relaxation techniques support the EtOH withdrawal process. These holistic approaches can promote physical healing, emotional balance, and overall recovery, with some benefits including:

Nutritional Support

Consuming foods rich in essential vitamins and minerals is an invaluable way to aid recovery from alcohol addiction, strengthen immunity function, regulate mood and energy levels, and manage overall energy expenditure.


Exercising can release endorphins, help lift one's mood, and decrease anxiety and stress levels. Walking, jogging, swimming, or yoga are great ways to maintain overall well-being while providing an outlet for emotions.

Relaxation Techniques

Employing relaxation techniques such as deep breathing exercises, progressive muscle relaxation, and guided imagery can be extremely useful in relieving tension, improving sleep quality, and relieving anxiety during withdrawal. Relaxation may also help decrease cravings during this process - helping lessen cravings over time.

EtOH Withdrawal: Role of Counseling and Therapy in the Recovery Process

Holistic approaches to EtOH withdrawal require psychological and emotional support services such as counseling, support groups, and therapy. Individuals can address underlying issues by using these avenues while developing coping skills and creating supportive networks.

Counseling and Therapy

Individual or group therapy sessions offer individuals a safe space to explore their thoughts, emotions, and triggers related to alcohol use. Therapists can assist individuals in creating healthier coping mechanisms while increasing self-esteem and working through any underlying psychological challenges that might impede progress.

Holistic Therapies

Holistic therapies such as art therapy, music therapy, or equine-assisted therapy can complement traditional counseling approaches by engaging individuals in creative or experiential activities that foster self-expression, emotional healing, and personal growth.

Holistic approaches can play an invaluable role in recovery. By including holistic practices in their recovery journey, individuals can increase overall well-being, address various aspects of withdrawal and create a holistic toolbox to ensure long-term sobriety. Holistic practices work with medical and professional support for comprehensive EtOH withdrawal and recovery solutions.

Medical Treatment for EtOH Withdrawal

Medical interventions may be required to facilitate an orderly and safe withdrawal from alcohol (ETOH). These interventions aim to relieve symptoms, avoid complications and support individuals during their recovery.

Fluid and Electrolyte Management

Hydration and electrolyte balance are vital during EtOH withdrawal. Medical professionals may administer intravenous fluids and electrolytes to avoid dehydration and correct imbalances.

Monitoring and Observation

Medical supervision during EtOH withdrawal is critical during its most severe stages. Healthcare providers monitor vital signs, assess symptoms, and ensure the safety of withdrawal patients. Such observation allows healthcare professionals to detect complications promptly and manage them appropriately.

Dual Diagnosis Treatment

Individuals suffering from co-occurring mental health conditions, such as anxiety, depression, or bipolar disorder, may need additional medical support and specialized care for both their substance abuse issues and mental health concerns simultaneously. Dual diagnosis treatment addresses both issues simultaneously.

The Importance of Seeking Professional Treatment for EtOH Withdrawal

Safety and Monitoring

EtOH withdrawal can be unpredictable, leading to complications requiring appropriate monitoring from medical professionals who can quickly identify potential risks while efficiently handling emerging situations.

Individualized Treatment

Healthcare providers assess everyone’s specific needs and devise an individualized treatment plan tailored to their withdrawal symptoms and medical history. With this approach, interventions and medications are tailored to each person.

Medication Management

Medical professionals possess extensive expertise in prescribing and overseeing medications used during ETOH withdrawal. They can determine an ideal dosage, monitor how you respond to them, and make necessary changes for maximum symptom management.

Support and Guidance

Medical professionals offer emotional support, guidance, and education during withdrawal. They may offer information regarding coping strategies, relapse prevention measures, and resources available for ongoing support services and treatment programs.

Coordinated Care

Seeking medical guidance ensures individuals can access coordinated care from various healthcare providers, including therapists, counselors, and support groups. This comprehensive approach facilitates comprehensive treatment and long-term recovery.

EtOH Withdrawal Can Be Impossible Alone. At The Edge Treatment Center, You Won’t Be

EtOH withdrawal is very hard to undergo but necessary for a successful recovery. Doing it on one’s own can be dangerous, even lethal.

You don’t have to go through EtOH withdrawal alone, though.

At The Edge Treatment Center, we understand the complexities and difficulties associated with EtOH withdrawal. We are here to provide our comprehensive yet personalized approach for your recovery journey. With medical expertise, compassionate care, and holistic support services to guide your journey toward sobriety, we provide you with everything needed for successful withdrawal and to build a foundation of lasting sobriety.

Our skilled medical professionals specialize in EtOH withdrawal management. They will ensure your safety and comfort, emphasizing individualized treatment plans tailored to you based on your unique needs, withdrawal symptoms, medical history, and withdrawal timeline. From medication administration to fluid and electrolyte monitoring - our team is there for you every step of the way, providing vital medical interventions that ensure physical well-being.

But our care goes far beyond medical treatment alone. We recognize the value of emotional support, offering therapeutic services that address both psychological and emotional aspects of EtOH withdrawal. Our counselors, support groups, and holistic therapies create an ideal setting for healing, helping develop healthy coping mechanisms and equipping you with the tools necessary for long-term recovery.

At The Edge Treatment Center, we believe in taking an integrated approach to healing from ETOH withdrawal. Our comprehensive care incorporates medical expertise, psychological support, and comprehensive treatment to lead you toward a healthier, more fulfilling life free of alcohol dependence.

Take the first step on your healing path today by reaching out - don't go through withdrawal alone - we are here for support every step of the way!

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Written by

brian-mooreBrian Moore

Content Writer

Reviewed by

jeremy-arztJeremy Arzt

Chief Clinical Officer

Drug and Alcohol

July 19, 2023