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Concerta is the brand name for methylphenidate, a drug used to treat ADHD. Similar to Ritalin, Concerrta is a central nervous system stimulant. When used as directed by a physician, Concerta is an effective treatment for ADHD. When it’s abused by recreational use, though, it’s an addictive drug. 

It’s not uncommon for harried workers and busy college students to fall into stimulant abuse. Concerta abuse often stems from needing a “go pill” to keep up one’s energy, or a study drug to get through a tough exam. There’s no scientific proof that stimulants help increase one’s brain power, but what is clear is stimulants like Concerta are addictive when abused. 

Stimulants can be dangerous when abused, and Concerta abuse is no different. It’s possible to overdose on Concerta, and the drug can be harmful when mixed with other drugs. Detoxing from Concerta addiction is best done at a professional detox clinic.

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